Dr. Heather Wakelee specializes in the treatment of lung cancer, thymoma and mesothelioma. She has been in practice for over a decade at Stanford University. She is the physician lead for the thoracic malignancies clinical research group and has developed research programs related to lung cancer and thymoma across multiple areas including clinical trials, translation work and population sciences. She is the Principal Investigator on numerous clinical trials. Dr. Wakelee is the faculty director of the Stanford Cancer Clinical Trials office and is the lead investigator for ECOG-ACRIN clinical trials group at Stanford. She is also active in many national and international organizations related to lung cancer and thymoma including leadership roles in the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) and the International Thymic Malignancies Interest Group (ITMIG).
Clinical Focus
- Cancer > Thoracic Oncology
- Lung Cancer - Medical Oncology
- Investigational Therapeutics
- Medical Oncology
- thymoma
- Mesothelioma
- thymic carcinoma
- Thoracic Cancers - Medical Oncology
- Mesothelioma - Medical Oncology
- Oncology (Cancer)
- Thoracic Cancers
Academic Appointments
Professor - Med Center Line, Medicine - Oncology
Member, Stanford Cancer Institute
Honors & Awards
Merit Award, American Society of Clinical Oncology (05/2003)
Alpha Omega Alpha, Johns Hopkins University (06/1996)
Teaching Award, Stanford University Division of Oncology (2007, 2008, 2009, 2011)
Young Investigator Award, ECOG-ACRIN (2015)
Professional Education
Fellowship:Stanford University Medical Center (2003) CA
Residency:Stanford University Medical Center (1999) CA
Board Certification: Medical Oncology, American Board of Internal Medicine (2003)
Internship:Stanford University Medical Center (1997) CA
Medical Education:Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (1996) MD
M. D., Johns Hopkins University, Medicine (1996)
A.B., Princeton University, Molecular Biology (1992)