Surveys & Forms

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All Stanford Medicine users with a SUNetID have access.

Embedding on a Web Page

To embed a Qualtrics survey on a webpage, you use the External component from the AEM Toolkit. The following tutorial video and step-by-step guide offer assistance. 

Video Tutorial


The External iFrame allows a web author to reference an external URL and create a window to display the website in an iFrame.

Target application

Select the external link to use. Type the URL in the Target application field in the correct format, similar to:

Pass parameters

Leave Pass parameters unchecked.

Width and Height

Leave Width and Height blank to use the default sizing. Select the Width and Height if you are looking for a fixed size.


AEM is integrated with AntiSamy to verify user-supplied HTML/CSS is in compliance with Stanford security rules & to ensure user don't supply malicious code. Sometimes URLS are removed by such process. For instance if your iFrame URL has unsafe characters like open & close bracket [ ] then the URL will not work.