Dear Senior Physics majors,

The deadline for applying to complete a Senior Thesis is Friday, November 20 before 4pm.  Note also that the approval and completion of a Senior Thesis is one of the requirements for the Honors Program.  A Senior Thesis can also be done independently of the Honors program if you do not otherwise qualify for Honors, but nevertheless this requires the Senior Thesis application form.  This link has detailed information about the Senior Thesis: .  Attached are both forms.

The Senior Thesis Application form is due Friday, November 20 before 4pm.  No Senior Thesis applications can be approved after this date, so if you have not already started the proposal, discussion, and signature process, please do so now!  (Note that the Honors form is only due at end of year but is included above for your planning). 

Some highlights from the form rules include a written proposal which will be reviewed by the faculty application committee, signatures from your Thesis advisor and 2nd reader (both of whom must certify your proposal, must attend the oral Thesis defense, and commit to reading the Thesis), rules on content and reader selection, and Physics 205 research unit requirements.

Senior Thesis application approvals will be sent out after Thanksgiving.  Senior Thesis presentations will take place in May 2016 and the final written thesis is due at noon on Friday May 20, 2016. 

2015-2016 Senior Thesis Application Form.pdf17 KB
2015-2016 Honors Program Application Form.pdf15.91 KB