
For course descriptions and schedule information, please consult Explore Courses
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 Spring 2016

  • COURSE #




RELIGST 1 Religion Around the Globe John Kieschnick MW 10:30-11:20; Sections: Th 4:00-4:40, F 1:30-2:20
RELIGST 17N Love, Power, and Justice: Ethics in
Christian Perspective
Brent Sockness TTh 9:00-10:20
RELIGST 22 Method in Natural and Social Sciences Behnam Sadeghi MW 3:00-4:20
RELIGST 71 Jews and Christians: Conflict and
Simcha Gross TTh 3:00-4:20
RELIGST 114 Yoga, Ancient and Modern Linda Hess MW 9:30-11:20 (Class typically ends at 11)
RELIGST 115B Buddhism and Death Jason Protass MW 1:30-2:50
RELIGST 144 John Calvin and Christian Faith Barbara Pitkin TTh 10:30-11:50
RELIGST 162X Spirituality and Nonviolent Urban
and Social Transformation
Patricia Karlin-Neumann TTh 9:30-10:20
RELIGST 170D Readings in Talmudic Literature Charlotte Fonrobert F 12:00-1:15
RELIGST 201/301 Islamic Law Behnam Sadeghi MW 4:30-6:30
RELIGST 209E/309E Imperishable Heroes and Unblemished Goddesses: Myth, Ritual, and Epic
in Ancient Iran
Yuhan Vevaina MW 3:30-5:20
RELIGST 221D/321D Syriac Language Course Simcha Gross TTh 4:30-5:50
RELIGST 255/355 Religion and Power in the Making of
Modern South Asia
Audrey Truschke MW 10:30-11:50
RELIGST 260 Buddhism & Modernity Alex Kaloyanides TTh 1:30-2:50
RELIGST 298 Senior Colloquium Barbara Pitkin TBA
RELIGST 347 Chinese Buddhist Texts John Kieschnick F 9:30-12:30
RELIGST 359 Readings in Buddhist Studies Paul Harrison F 2:00-3:00
RELIGST 361 Buddhist Precepts and Ordinations: Prescriptions, Descriptions and
Paul Groner W 3-5:50