With the rapid advances of the past decade in ultrahigh-pressure x-ray synchrotron technology, researchers are now able to tackle some of the most fundamental, long-standing questions regarding...
Extreme environments provide a much broader arena in which to search for materials with desirable properties. This is an emerging field which holds great promise for the discovery of unique...
We work on the development of novel high pressure X-ray techniques, particularly, the nanoscale transmission X-ray microscopy (nanoTXM) technique and ultrafast characterization techniques for the...
Dylan R. Rittman, Sulgiye Park, Cameron L. Tracy, Lei Zhang, Raul I. Palomares, Maik Lang, Alexandra Navrotsky, Wendy L. Mao, Rodney C. Ewing J. Nucl. Mater. 490, 28-33, 2017 (PDF)
Dylan R. Rittman, Katlyn M. Turner, Sulgiye Park, Antonio F. Fuentes, Jinyuan Yan, Rodney C. Ewing, and Wendy L. Mao J. Appl. Phys. 121, 045902, 2017 (PDF)
Qingyang Hu, Duck Young Kim, Jin Liu, Yue Meng, Liuxiang Yang, Dongzhou Zhang, Wendy L. Mao, and Ho-kwang Mao Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A 114, 1498-1501, 2017 (PDF)
Eglantine Boulard, Yijin Liu, Ai L. Koh, Mary M. Reagan, Julien Stodolna, Guillaume Morard, Mohamed Mezouar and Wendy L. Mao. Front. Earth Sci. 10, 3389, 2016 (PDF)