Leading-edge research on entrepreneurship and innovation within technology-based companies.
STVP faculty, Ph.D. students, visiting scholars and industry partners are committed to basic and applied research that enhances our understanding of how new technology businesses, in both established and startup firms, form, survive and grow. These insights are then shared in leading academic publications, our teaching materials, popular media, and in the training of future professors of entrepreneurship.
STVP’s research is unique in its emphasis on combining theoretical ideas with field-based understanding of real-world challenges of technology firms, all in the context of a leading engineering school in the heart of Silicon Valley. Our research projects examine a range of topics, such as:
Our research relies on a variety of methods, including large-scale statistical analysis, laboratory experiments, simulation and multiple case studies, a method pioneered by a number of our faculty. In addition, STVP research focuses on a variety of technologies with particular emphasis on information and web technologies, medical devices, clean-tech energy and robotics.
STVP’s home department, Management Science & Engineering (MS&E), is home to leading researchers in the field of organization studies, with no other U.S. department offering a higher ratio of faculty who are acknowledges experts in the qualitative field methods.
STVP’s doctoral program prepares students to conduct research in technology entrepreneurship and business strategy. Most program graduates pursue academic careers at leading business and engineering schools, or explore career opportunities in industry. Our doctoral students are enrolled in the MS&E in the following concentrations:
Organization, Technology and Entrepreneurship
Policy and Strategy
Our doctoral students combine studies in engineering, management, sociology, psychology and economics to gain a unique and balances perspective. Our students not only take courses in MS&E, but also have access to Stanford’s entire organization studies community, one of the largest and most highly regarded in the country. The faculty welcomes applications from students with either social science or technical degrees — the blending of engineering and social science is the department’s trademark.
STVP doctoral students typically complete degree requirements in four to five years. Students complete both a written comprehensive exam and a second-year paper, displaying both a literature review covering the first two years of coursework, and some original analysis in organizational studies. Visit the MS&E website for more information.
Our PhD graduates hold positions in leading universities and private industry around the world.
Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University
Dissertation: What is the Role of the State in Entrepreneurship and Venture Performance?
Professor of Strategy, University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill
Dissertation: Learning from Heterogeneous Experience: The internationalization of entrepreneurial firms
Consultant; Former Google Senior VP
Dissertation: A Multiple Horizon Strategy for Managing Time in High Technology Environments: The Case of Multiple Product Development Projects
Senior Manager Corporate Development & Strategy, Onyx Pharmaceuticals
Dissertation: Strategy as Competitive Moves: Extending Competitive Dynamics Research to New Markets and New Moves
Assistant Professor of Management, University of Washington
Dissertation: The Impact of Funding Sources on Innovation in New Firms
Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise, INSEAD
Dissertation: Collaborative Innovation, Organizational Symbiosis, and the Embeddedness of Strategy
Professor, IESE
Dissertation: Leveraging Social Networks: Early Stage Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley
Assistant Professor, Santa Clara University
Dissertation: Institutional Change and Entrepreneurship
Associate Professor of Strategy, Brigham Young University and INSEAD
Dissertation: Cognitive Flexibility: The Adaptive Reality of Concrete Organization Change
Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Aviva Chair in Leadership, INSEAD
Dissertation: The Evolution of Intracorporate Domains: divisional charter losses in high-technology multidivisional corporations
Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Dissertation: Decoding the CEO-Board Relationship: Strategic Decision Making and Monitoring in Entrepreneurial Firms
Assistant Professor, Northwestern University
Dissertation: Devotion to an Innovation Process: The Case Study in Human Centered Design
Assistant Professor, Boston University
Dissertation: The Emergence of a New Organizational Field — Labels, Meaning and Emotion in Nanotechnology
Associate Professor, University of Texas — Austin
Dissertation: Decision-Making, Negotiation and Integration Issues in Acquisitions of High-Tech Start-ups
Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Dissertation: The Origin of the Network Positions of New Organizations — How Entrepreneurs Raise Funds
Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business, Management Department
Dissertation: Firm Strategy in Nascent Ecosystems
Professor & Founding Director of Child Family Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of California — Davis
Dissertation: The Theory and Practice of Knowledge Brokering: case studies of continuous innovation
Chairman & Founder, Qalaa Holdings
Dissertation: The Evolution of Joint Development Alliances
Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
Dissertation: Linkages Between Competitive Product Moves and Organizational Capabilities in Rapidly-Changing Environments
Assistant Profesor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, School of Engineering
Dissertation: Discovering Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Individual, Team and Organizational Capabilities
Associate Professor, University of Alabama
Dissertation: Where are All the Synergies?: The Co-evolution of Cross-business Synergies in the New Economy
Assistant Professor, Harvard Business School
Dissertation: Competition and Strategic Interaction in New Markets
Associate Professor, INSEAD
Dissertation: Antecedents of Boundary Disagreement in Distributed and Collocated Teams
Headmaster, International School Nido de Aguilas
Dissertation: Tweaking the Iconic: The Management of Continuity-Constrained Resources
Associate Professor, University of Oregon
Dissertation: Institutional Convergence and the Diffusion of University — Versus Firm-Origin Technologies
Professor, University of California — Irvine
Dissertation: Creating Opportunities for Change: how formal problem solving interventions work
Associate Professor, Boston University
Dissertation: The Co-evolution of the Open Source Community and Emerging Business Models
Assistant Professor, Warwick Business School
Dissertation: Start-ups in nascent markets: Building a strong alliance portfolio from a low-power position
Associate Professor, Queen’s University
Dissertation: The Role of Founders in Entrepreneurial Science
Assistant Professor, INSEAD
Dissertation: Competing in Intermediated Markets
Founder & Chairman, Scanmarker
Dissertation: Global Versus Locally Focused Activities in Organizations
Associate Professor and Chair of Management Division, Babson College
Dissertation: Newcomers, Oldtimers, and Relative Tenure: Organizational Assimilation as an Outcome of Social Comparison
Vice President of Research, Wealthfront, Inc.
Dissertation: Nascent technology ventures and corporate venture funding
Professor, Universidade Católica, Lisbon
Dissertation: The Management of Organizational Boundaries in High-Tech Industries
Assistant Professor, Babson College
Dissertation: Managing novel product concepts: A process theory
The West Coast Research Symposium on Technology Entrepreneurship (WCRS) provides an intellectually stimulating experience and a community focused on cutting-edge research mapping the theoretical domain of technology entrepreneurship, innovation and strategy.
WCRS is co-sponsored by STVP, the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (University of Washington), the Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship (University of Oregon), the Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies (USC), the Don Beall Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (UC Irvine), and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
STVP presents an annual conference featuring contributions related to entrepreneurship, institutions, and Japan, such as empirical studies, case studies, political and social institutional studies in Japan, and new research methodology including experimental design. This event was previously presented in collaboration with the Stanford Project on Japanese Entrepreneurship.
Conference attendees include scholars from Japan, the Unites States and Europe. STVP invites papers from management, strategy, organizations, sociology, political science and economics. Details for next year’s event will be available in late 2014.
The Social Science and Technology Seminar is co-sponsored by STVP and the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR).
Seminars take place at Stanford on select Wednesdays from 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm.
View upcoming seminars on the SIEPR website.