WHO/EuropeVerified account


The WHO Regional Office for Europe is one of 6 WHO regional offices around the world. It collaborates with a range of public health stakeholders in the Region.

Joined March 2010
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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jul 25

    It’s a HOT summer in Europe and other parts of the world ☀️ Sunny days are usually welcome during the summer holidays, but can have serious health consequences 😓 Remember to to stay safe!

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  2. 1 hour ago

    In 2015, adopted a "treat all" policy for . Equitable access to antiretroviral therapy has been prioritized, with special efforts to engage key populations such as people who inject drugs – resulting in remarkable progress towards the 90-90-90 targets.

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  3. Retweeted

    “The outbreak in was contained due to the tireless efforts of local teams, the support of partners, the generosity of donors & the effective leadership of . That kind of leadership, allied with strong collaboration between partners, saves lives” —

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  4. Retweeted

    What made a difference to stop the spread of in ?

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  5. 2 hours ago

    , combined with high summer temperatures, are posing a health risk in Europe. Find out more about how to protect yourself and others from the health effects of extreme heat and smoke exposure.

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  6. 3 hours ago

    It’s extremely hot outside in Europe and other parts of the world 😓 Here are some ways that you can in your home 🏡 during a .

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  7. In , where ~half of people who inject drugs also live w/ , new HIV diagnoses ↘ steadily in the last decade. A ↘ in new HIV infections among new injectors coincided w/ a large scale-up of needle & syringe programmes funded jointly by national & local gov't.

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  8. During a , it's very important to to avoid the negative health effects of heat. One important way to keep cool is to keep OUT of the heat.

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  9. Jul 25

    At , Zsuzsanna Jakab underscores that domestic resources are key for a sustainable response. WHO/Europe works with countries to help them prepare for a structured transition process from external to domestic funding for HIV, and malaria.

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  10. Jul 25

    By shifting stable patients to self-administration of substitution maintenance therapy, reduced costs related to delivery and storage, covered procurement of drugs through state funds and increased the number of patients treated.

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  11. Jul 25

    self-testing was introduced in starting in 2017 to reduce the number of people who are not aware of being infected. Today, a self-test can be purchased in pharmacies for about USD$3. By 1 Feb 2018, about 2000 rapid tests had been sold.

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  12. Jul 24

    To move away from reliance on international donors for prevention services, began working with local stakeholders to deliver services to key populations through selected projects led by NGOs and funded through the National Health Insurance Company.

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  13. Jul 24

    The new WHO/Europe compendium of good practices in the health sector response to features examples from 32 countries in the European Region. It covers areas such as HIV prevention, testing, treatment and reduction of discrimination. AIDS2018

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  14. Retweeted

    More than 1 billion people around the world need assistive technology. Wheelchairs, hearing aids, glasses and other products enable people to live healthy, productive, independent and dignified lives. Today is the global for

    Today is the global #DisabilitySummit.
More than 1 billion people around the world need assistive technology.
    , , and 7 others
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  15. Retweeted

    15% of people in the world have disabilities. That's over 1 BILLION people. People w/ often face barriers when accessing even basic health services. means health for everyone, everywhere, without discrimination.

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  16. Jul 24

    Did you miss the seminar on vaccine hesitancy earlier this month? Good news, it's now available online:

  17. Retweeted
    Jul 24

    Excited to announce that has been included as a good practice example in 's 'Compendium of good practices in the health sector response to HIV in the WHO European Region' Check it out and other good practice examples here:

  18. Retweeted

    Despite all the remarkable advances that have been made, progress on ending AIDS is still too slow. is an opportunity to accelerate our efforts to eliminate AIDS and amplify the impact of investments in .

  19. Retweeted
    Jul 23

    90% of eligible children in the European Region received their 2nd dose of measles vaccine on time in 2017. A great achievement, but not enough: 95% coverage in every community is needed to ensure protection for all through herd immunity.

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  20. Retweeted
    Jul 23

    Thanks to the efforts of so many, vaccination rates against measles & other serious diseases are on the way back up in the European Region. Continued progress is needed to reach every child and to prevent future outbreaks.

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