Classes offered through the Cape Town Program are taught by local faculty, the Center Director and Service-Learning Coordinator, and by one Stanford Faculty-in-Residence per quarter. Many professors hold regular appointments at Cape Town universities or have served in prominent positions in local governments, policy organizations, or research institutes. Courses are taught in English unless otherwise noted.
Winter 2015-16: Robert Siegel (Microbiology and Immunology)
Spring 2015-16: Catherine Heaney (Psychology)
Summer 2015-16: Stephen Stedman (FSI)
Local Faculty
Mya Adam
Mohamed Adhikari
Mohamed Adhikari is Associate Professor of Historical Studies at the University of Cape Town. His teaching has focused on African, South African and economic history, and more recently on African genocide and its racial elements. His scholarship focuses on racial identity in South Africa’s coloured society and colonialism and genocide.
Diane Cooper
Stephan Klingebiel
Stephan Klingebiel is Department Head (Bilateral and Multilateral Development Cooperation) of the German Development Institute, one of the leading think tanks on development in Europe. From mid-2007 to mid-2011 he was director of the KfW Bankengruppe (Banking Group) office in Kigali, Rwanda dealing with development cooperation issues. His research and university teaching focuses on development policy, political economy and governance issues in Africa, and crisis prevention and conflict management.
John Parkington
John Parkington is Emeritus Professor of Archaeology at the University of Cape Town. His research and teaching interests include hunter gathers, southern African prehistory, human ecology and palaeoenvironments, archaeological method and theory, prehistoric rock art, and coastal archaeology. John is founding trustee of the Clanwilliam Living Landscape Project, a community-based initiative to create jobs and community education through practical utilization of archaeological research.
Chris Saunders
Chris Saunders is Emeritus Professor in Historical Studies at the University of Cape Town. His teaching and research have focused on African, South African, Namibian and American History. Recent publications have examined South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and liberation struggles in Southern Africa.
Mary Simons
Mary Simons is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Cape Town. Her teaching and research focus on developmental local government, the NGO sector, urbanization and poverty, conflict resolution, and third world comparative politics.
Nolu Tyam
Nolu Tyam is Language Lecturer in the Centre for Higher Education Development at the University of Cape Town where she teaches Xhosa and provides translation assistance.