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Dec 5 2013 | Stanford Report Awards, Students
PhD candidate Amanda Cannata sheds light on how ethnicity, gender and class were represented through musical events at the 19th and early 20th century world's fairs. Amanda is a recipient of the VPGE's Diversity Dissertation Research Opportunity award, for support of her archival research in...
Nov 19 2013 | Stanford Report Students
Stanford has convened a task force to review and evaluate the state and perception of the safety culture in campus research laboratories, and to recommend ways to promote and advance a robust and positive safety culture among researchers.
Oct 15 2013 | Stanford Report Education, Students, VPGE
New research from Stanford psychologists reveals that the amount parents speak directly to their toddler can make an incredible difference in the child's language proficiency and vocabulary. BY BJORN CAREY Just as young children need nourishing food to build physical strength, they also need...
Oct 9 2013 | VPGE News & Notes, Autumn 2013 Stanford, Students
By Shannon Birk Jibaja, MA ‘13 Before beginning my intensive master’s program in the Graduate School of Education (GSE), I could not have anticipated the immense academic, professional, and personal growth I would undergo in three short quarters. Now that graduation is behind me, I’ve been...
Sep 26 2013 | Stanford Report Stanford, Students, VPGE
Unprecedented feat points toward a new generation of energy-efficient electronics. BY TOM ABATE A team of Stanford engineers has built a basic computer using carbon nanotubes, a semiconductor material that has the potential to launch a new generation of electronic devices that run faster,...
