Stanford University Risk Management Department

Insurance Requirements for Use of University Facilities


  • For bodily injury and/or property damage:   $2,000,000 Per occurrence/Combined Single Limit


  • ACORD Form 25 must be completed by Insurance Broker or Agent.
A.  Comprehensive General Liability with usual business use endorsements including contractual liability. 

B.  Worker’s Compensation  - Statutory Employer’s Liability:
    $2,000,000 Bodily Injury by Accident  -  Each Accident
    $2,000,000 Bodily Injury by Disease  -  Policy Limit
    $2,000,000 Bodily Injury by Disease  -  Each Employee
(Waiver of Subrogation in favor of Stanford University by endorsement.)

              C.  Additional Insured Endorsement:  The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, its trustees, officers, representatives, agents, employees, faculty, students and volunteers must be named as additional insured.  Above insurance is primary as respects all other insurance or self-insurance in force.

              D.  Cancellation Clause:  Should any of the above described policies be canceled or have a material change in coverage before the expiration date thereof, the issuing company will mail 30 days written notice to the below named Certificate Holder.

              E.   Contractual Liability:  Certificate of insurance must contain a contractual liability endorsement stating that the policy is extended to cover the liability assumed by the insured under the terms of his contract with the University.

All of the above must be included in your certificate of insurance, otherwise, it will be necessary to return the certificate to your insurance agent for correction.

Insurance must be on file with the Leland Stanford Junior University two (2) weeks prior to the event or use of facilities. 

Please send the certificate to requesting dept. or send to:
Office of Risk Management
Address: 215 Panama St., Bldg D, Stanford, CA 94305-6207

Phone: (650) 723-4555       Fax: (650) 723-9456

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Last modified: Tuesday, 02-Feb-2016 12:41:48 PST
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