Imagine a world where every young person has the skills to succeed as a changemaker...

Join us in making this vision a reality. #StartEmpathy #ThinkitUp

Henry F. De Sio, Jr., Addresses International Symposium

Henry F. De Sio, Jr., Addresses International Symposium on "Why Empathy Is As Important as Reading and Math"

New Ashoka Leadership

Teaching “the New Literacy”

Something transformative is happening in our schools. Changemaking and empathy are fast taking their places alongside reading and math as core competencies students need for success in life.
Submitted by Stephen Outlaw on Wed, February 24, 2016
The global community of Ashoka deeply mourns the loss of Fellow Narong Patibatsarakich. His  remarkable and inspiring story combined with a powerful and gentle spirit drove him to change the world not only for himself but for other people with disabilities. His life is a true testament to the...
Submitted by Stephen Outlaw on Mon, November 9, 2015
Editor's Note: This post was submitted by by Bernard Coffey, a long time volunteer with the Ashoka Support Network (ASN) team.In this ever more connected day and age, you are undoubtedly part of some type of network -- whether it is through your alma mater, current profession or the bounty of...
Editor's Note: This article was written by Kristie Wang of the Ashoka Changemakers team. Hosted by C&A Foundation and Ashoka Changemakers, the challenge will award more than €100,000 in prizes to support innovative solutions More than likely, the clothes you’re wearing were made in a sweatshop...

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  • September 1, 2015 | Public Address

    Arne Duncan quotes Bill Drayton & echoes Ashoka's vision: "The key factor of success for any society going forward is what percentage of its people are changemakers. It’s the new literacy."

  • August 1, 2015 | Alliance Magazine

    ‘Most of those working in both the business and social sectors are not entrepreneurs. Of those who are, there’s a subset that are both entrepreneurs and really committed to the good of all.’ - Bill Drayton

  • May 14, 2014 | Colorado Biz

    Are you an overworked and overburdened manager? You could be thinking about leadership from the wrong perspective.

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