Office of the City Clerk


Entire Packet   May 09, 2016     May 16, 2016    

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The City Clerk, reports to the City Council as a Council Appointed Officer and serves as the liaison between the public and City Council. The specific duties of the City Clerk are outlined in the City Charter. The City Clerk provides information and services to help the community participate in its government and make informed decisions. The City Clerk ensures, before and after the City Council takes action, that those actions are in compliance with all Federal, State and Local statutes and regulations and that all actions are properly executed, recorded and archived such as adopted Resolutions and Ordinances.

The City Clerk is responsible for the City Council Agenda; including the posting or publishing of legal notices and scheduling public hearings, the ePacket, and Video Streaming of the meetings, maintains and updates the City Council Procedures and Protocols Handbook, the City Roster, which are available to the public.

The City Clerk's Department is located on the 7th Floor of the Palo Alto City Hall, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA, 94301.  The phone number is (650) 329-2571, email us at Our office hours are Monday - Thursday, 7:30 AM - 5:30 pm, and 8 am - 5 pm alternating Fridays.


If you are an employee or City official who is required to file an annual Economic Interest Form, you are encouraged to file electronically using the NetFile System. Completed Form 700's are available via the NetFile System Public Portal. The FPPC also posts Council Member Form 700s here.

Boards & Commissions

The City continuously accepts applications for all Boards and Commissions.

Volunteer Opportunities           Watch a Short Video on the Ralph M. Brown Act

Click the Link Below for the Santa Clara County Election Results; you may Customize your Search


Visit the City's ELECTIONS PAGE

The City Clerk is the Elections Official for the City. The role of the City Clerk in legislative and elective processes requires neutrality and independence as key qualities in conducting the business of the Office. Elections include General Municipal Elections, various Ballot Measures, the nomination process for Council Candidates, the Processing of Initiatives and Petitions, Referendums, Recalls, Charter Amendments, and Special Elections.

All elections are conducted in accordance with the City Charter and State Law.

Campaign & Conflict Laws

The City Clerk is the local Filing Officer for the State of California. All local campaign Committees are required to to file Campaign Statements with the City Clerk. The City Clerk maintains regulations and forms under the State's Political Reform Act


If you are required to file a Form 410, 460, 461, 465, 470, 497, or 501 the City Clerk has provided the following link for ease of electronic filing. If you need assistance with the process, please contact the Deputy City Clerk, David Carnahan at 650-329-2267 or Here is the link for the Filer NetFile System.  The public portal to see all Campaign Filings is located at the NetFile System Public Portal link.

FPPC Forms


  1. Voting (Voter registration and voting is coordinated with Santa Clara County)
  2. Vital Records

The City Clerk Department is the office within the City of Palo Alto upon which the City Council, all City departments, and the general public rely on for information regarding the legislative operations; such as Public Records Requests, the Municipal Code, Campaign Disclosures, Domestic Partnerships, and the filing of Claim Forms.

Legislative Administration

The City Clerk facilitates the execution of official and legislative processes. This includes administering provisions of the Political Reform Act of 2016, attesting to the passing of Resolutions and Ordinances, managing the Recruitment process for positions on Boards and Commissions, participating in all City Council and Committee meetings, and ensuring the completion and availability of the meeting Minutes for the City Council, Policy & Services, Finance.

Records Management

The City Clerk is the Records Manager for the City and is responsible for maintaining the City's Records Retention Schedule and for providing departments with guidance on policies and best practices of records management. The City Clerk's Office records official actions and legislation of the municipal government and retains other legal and historical records. The City Clerk manages the proper maintenance and disposition of City records and information according to statute, and helps to preserve City history. Citizens are welcome to come to the City Clerk Department to research and review legislative, Candidate and various Ballot Measure information, Campaign Statements, Conflict of Interest filings, Claims Against the City filings and other public information.

If you require any further assistance we are happy to assist you. Please contact us via e-mail at or by phone at (650) 329-2571.

City Council

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Last Updated: May 5, 2016