The Planning Division staff of the Planning and Community Environment (PCE) Department is committed to helping the development community, property owners and residents to understand the process and application requirements for planning entitlements, which precede the building permit process. Staff are available to discuss review and approval processes, and planning application requirements.
PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION ISSUES OF INTEREST REPORT The Planning and Transportation Issues of Interest Report is a monthly summary of recent or upcoming Planning & Transportation Activity. Subjects includes Commission, Committee, Council or Board agendas, long range planning activities and the status of proposed development projects. [ more ]
DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS: MAJOR RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL & MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Find out more about major residential, commercial and mixed-use developments that are proposed or currently under construction in the City of Palo Alto. For each project the City typically posts a limited numbers of plans to ensure compliance with Copyright Laws. Additional information and project documentation may also be available. [ more ]
SINGLE-FAMILY PROPOSALS: NEW HOMES & ADDITIONS A majority of new single-family homes and some larger additions require discretionary review. Visit this section for a list of those homes and to review a limited number of plans. For a more detailed review of the proposals please contact the project planner or visit the Development Center. [ more ]
SINGLE-FAMILY HOMEOWNER RESOURCE CENTER Need a parcel report, looking to add on to your home or build a new home? Start by clicking the link above. You may also visit the Development Center and speak to a City Planner. [ more ]
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNER/BUSINESS OWNER RESOURCE CENTER Looking to make improvements to your commercial property or open a new business? Start by clicking the link above. You may also visit the Development Center and speak to a City Planner. [ more ]
PARKING STUDIES & TRANSIT DEMAND MANAGEMENT Several parking demand/supply and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) studies are currently underway. TDM is a combination of strategies and policies to reduce single-occupancy private vehicle travel, in favor of walking, bicycling, carpooling or taking transit. [ more ]
TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES (AUTOMOBILE, BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN) The Transportation Division is leading several automobile, bicycle and pedestrian projects. Visit this section to find out more about projects such as Safe Routes to School, Bike and Pedestrian Plan, Free Shuttle System, and various temporary roadway modifications. [ more ]
BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS The Planning & Community Environment Department provides staff to the Planning & Transportation Commission, the Architectural Review Board & Historical Resources Board. This section provides a brief description of each body, as well links to agendas and staff reports. [ more ]
IN-PROGRESS PLANNING STUDIES The Planning and Community Environment Department is currently leading several long range land use planning studies. Examples include the Comprehensive Plan update, Downtown Development Cap Study, Professorville Design Guidelines, and Arts and Innovation District Study. Visit this section to find out more or to participate. [ more ]
PCE LIBRARY & RESOURCE CENTER This library contains adopted planning documents, completed transportation studies and other resources. This includes the current Comp Plan, El Camino Design Guidelines, and Bike Plan. [ more ]
HOUSING PROGRAMS The Below Market Rate (BMR) Housing Purchase Program is a part of the Palo Alto Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of this program is to create and retain a stock of affordable housing in Palo Alto for people of low and moderate income. [ more ]
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT The Community Development Block Grant Program is the principal Federal program providing localities with grants to devise innovative approaches to improve the physical, economic, and social conditions in their communities. [ more ]
HISTORIC PRESERVATION The Historic Preservation program is responsible for the administration of the Historic Preservation Ordinance (Title 16.49), the City's Historic Inventory, and the activities of the Historic Resources Board (HRB). Click the link to learn more about these efforts and the various processes that apply to our historic resources. [ more ]
CODE ENFORCEMENT The Planning Division's Code Enforcement section is responsible for enforcement of zoning regulations, land uses, and long-term monitoring of requirements and conditions at specific sites throughout the City. Click the link to learn more about the program or to file a zoning or land use complaint. Please call 911 for immediate emergencies of the Palo Alto Police Non-Emergency Line, 650-329-2413 for all other public nuisance complaints. [ more ]