Library Purchase Suggestion

Use the form below to suggest a book, CD, DVD, audiobook, or other item for the library’s collection.

The Library will consider purchasing items suggested by customers if the requested materials:
• were published in the past 3 years
• are currently in print in the United States
• otherwise meet the Library’s selection criteria

If you have a general subject suggestion (e.g., a specific magazine you’d like the library to get; more books on a specific subject), please send your comment using the Library’s Comment Form.

We regret that, owing to the volume of correspondence, we cannot reply to every suggestion; but if you provide your e-mail address, we will notify you in the event the Library purchases the item you suggested.

Please limit yourself to submitting 2 suggestions per week.

Once the item is “On Order” in the library catalog, you can reserve it free of charge. New items are added daily to the catalog, so please check the web catalog frequently. 
Get notified by email or text message with Author Alerts when the Library orders new titles by your chosen authors or performers.

Don’t Forget the LINK+ Option!
You may be able to obtain a desired item more quickly by using our free LINK+ interlibrary-loan service. For additional information, and to initiate a LINK+ request, click here.
Last Updated: Mar 5, 2016
Library Purchase Suggestion
Tell us about the item

Publisher (if known)

COMMENTS OR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you heard or read a review of this item, please tell us where--the name and date of the broadcast, the name and date of the newspaper or magazine, the URL of the Web site, etc.
EMAIL NOTIFICATION: To be notified by email if the library purchases the item you suggested, please enter your email address. If the library decides to purchase an item, the requester will generally be notified within five business days.

  Please enter the word above in the space below