Comprehensive Plan Update - City Council directed staff to work with the PTC to develop and implement a work plan to amend the existing Comprehensive Plan and extend the horizon year of the Comp Plan. The focus of the amendment would be to ensure the sufficient public services are available to serve new housing development and that sufficient land for neighborhood-serving retail uses is preserved. As part of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process, Palo Alto will prepare Concept Plans for two areas: the California Avenue neighborhood and the East Meadow Circle/Fabian Way neighborhood.
Downtown Cap Study - City Council directed staff to conduct a Downtown Development Cap Study to evaluate existing conditions, developmental trends, assess parking and traffic needs and to calculate potential developmental capacity that can be accommodated in Downtown.
Housing Element Update (2015-2023) - The City is in the process of updating the 2015-2023 Housing Element. The 2015-2023 Housing Element is the chief policy document describing the City's housing needs, policies and programs.
Planned Community (PC) Reform - During the City Council December 2, 2013 “Future of our City” discussion, the Planned Community (PC) Process and the need for possible reforms to the requirements and process was discussed.
Professorville Design Guidelines - City Council directed staff to outline a process for timely review of proposals regarding demolitions of Contributing Structures in Professorville.
Rail Corridor Study - The City Council adopted the Rail Corridor Study policy document and incorporated it into the Comprehensive Plan on January 22, 2013 to “generate a community vision for land use, transportation, and urban design opportunities along the rail corridor, particularly in response to improvements to fixed rail services along the tracks through Palo Alto.”