Want to save money, reduce stormwater runoff, conserve water, and help protect the health of our creeks and San Francisco Bay? Learn more about our innovative Stormwater Measures Rebate Program.
Welcome to the Department of Public Works Storm Drain Management Program website. This program is responsible for the approval, construction, and maintenance of the storm drain system in Palo Alto. Follow the links on this page to learn more about our programs and services.
Palo Alto has installed creek monitoring devices. These devices constantly feed back creek level information. The images generated from this data can be monitored by residents.
If you notice any unusual substance in or around a storm drain, or if you see someone dumping anything into the storm drain, street, or gutter, to local creeks or the Bay, or elsewhere in the outdoor environment, don't wait! Go to the Reporting Spills, Back-Ups, or Dumping page for more information.
The San Francisquito Creek Bank Stabilization Master Plan is intended to assist agencies and landowners' consultants in the planning, conceptual design and permitting of San Francisquito Creek bank stabilization and revegetation projects.
In order to address community concerns regarding flooding and environmental preservation on San Francisquito Creek, the City of Palo Alto has worked with neighboring jurisdictions to create the San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority.