Critical Infrastructure Sectors
Chemical Sector
The Department of Homeland Security is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Chemical Sector.
Commercial Facilities Sector
The Department of Homeland Security is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Commercial Facilities Sector.
Communications Sector
The Communications Sector is an integral component of the U.S. economy, underlying the operations of all businesses, public safety organizations, and government.
Critical Manufacturing Sector
The Department of Homeland Security is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Critical Manufacturing Sector.
Dams Sector
The Department of Homeland Security is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Dams Sector. The Dams Sector comprises dam projects, navigation locks, levees, hurricane barriers, mine tailings impoundments, and other similar water retention and/or control facilities.
Defense Industrial Base Sector
The Defense Industrial Base Sector is the worldwide industrial complex that enables research and development, as well as design, production, delivery, and maintenance of military weapons systems, subsystems, and components or parts, to meet U.S. military requirements.
Emergency Services Sector
The Department of Homeland Security is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Emergency Services Sector. A system of prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery elements, the Emergency Services Sector represents the nation's first line of defense in the prevention and mitigation of risk from terrorist attacks, man-made incidents, and natural disasters.
Energy Sector
The U.S. energy infrastructure fuels the economy of the 21st century.
Financial Services Sector
The Department of Treasury is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Financial Services Sector.
Food and Agriculture Sector
The Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services are designated as the Co-Sector-Specific Agencies for the Food and Agriculture Sector.
Government Facilities Sector
The Department of Homeland Security and the General Services Administration are designated as the Co-Sector-Specific Agencies for the Government Facilities Sector.
Healthcare and Public Health Sector
The Department of Health and Human Services is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Healthcare and Public Health Sector.
Information Technology Sector
The Department of Homeland Security is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Information Technology Sector.
Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector
The Department of Homeland Security is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector.
Transportation Systems Sector
The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Transportation are designated as the Co-Sector-Specific Agencies for the Transportation Systems Sector.
Water and Wastewater Systems Sector
The Environmental Protection Agency is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Water and Wastewater Systems Sector.