In accordance with the Federal Digital Government Strategy, is now making available PDF copies of our Google Analytics monthly Web Metrics and Search reports. Web Performance Metrics
View our Top-Level Components’ Metrics Data:
Customer Satisfaction
Over the past few months, many visitors to our website have submitted customer satisfaction survey responses. The DHS Web Team reviewed the survey responses and, based on the input, has made many changes, including the following:
- Fixed Broken Links- We received a great number of reports indicating that many links on were broken after we migrated to our new content management system and redesigned the site. After running a diagnostic on our website, we have located every one of these broken links. We are now in the process of fixing them so that you can get where you need to go and find what you need to find. We'll keep checking to ensure we keep our links fixed. Thank you to everyone who pointed out broken links.
- Contact Information- Many of the comments we have read have suggested that contact information for key programs is difficult to find. We have since reformatted our Contact Us page and made key program contact information easier for you to locate.
Migration to our new content management system created a few issues within our website, including customer feedback reports. We apologize for any difficulties you may be experiencing with and thank you for your patience and assistance in helping us improve your customer experience.Your input is important to us.