Community Program Information
- Source Reduction Assistance Program
- The Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics is responsible for overseeing several grant programs for tribes and states which promote pollution prevention through source reduction and resource conservation.
- Office of Sustainable Communities
- Technical assistance is awarded by EPA's Office of Sustainable Communities intermittently throughout the year to support community efforts to improve the environmental and health outcomes resulting from land use decision making and design. For more information on those programs and how to apply, please refer to: Smart Growth
- For more information, contact John Thomas, Director of OSC's Community Assistance and Research Division
- For more information, contact John Thomas, Director of OSC's Community Assistance and Research Division
- Technical assistance is awarded by EPA's Office of Sustainable Communities intermittently throughout the year to support community efforts to improve the environmental and health outcomes resulting from land use decision making and design. For more information on those programs and how to apply, please refer to: Smart Growth
- Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Program
- Brownfields Area-Wide Planning is an EPA grant program which provides funding to recipients to conduct research, technical assistance and training that will result in an area-wide plan and implementation strategy for key brownfield sites, which will help inform the assessment, cleanup and reuse of brownfields properties and promote area-wide revitalization. Funding is directed to specific areas, such as a neighborhood, downtown district, local commercial corridor, or city block, affected by a single large or multiple brownfield sites.
- Environmental Justice Small Grants Program
- The Environmental Justice Small Grants Program provides financial assistance to eligible organizations to build collaborative partnerships, to identify the local environmental and/or public health issues, and to envision solutions and empower the community through education, training, and outreach.
- Urban Waters Small Grants Program
- The goal of the Urban Waters Small Grants (UWSG) program is to fund research, investigations, experiments, training, surveys, studies, and demonstrations that will advance the restoration of urban waters by improving water quality through activities that also support community revitalization, economic development, and other local priorities, with an emphasis on underserved communities. This program supports communities in their efforts to access, improve, and benefit from their urban waters and the surrounding land.