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A large part of EPA's mission to protect the environment and public health is accomplished by awarding extramural funds to other organizations to conduct environmental programs or projects. When EPA transfers funds for a public purpose, it uses a legal instrument called an assistance agreement, which may be in the form of a grant or cooperative agreement. In fiscal year 2001, EPA awarded $4.5 billion in assistance agreements to state and local governments, tribes, universities nonprofit recipients, and other entities.

EPA's environmental statutes are the legal basis for funding assistance agreements. EPA's assistance agreement programs are listed in the Federal Catalog of Domestic Assistance (CFDA) maintained by the General Services Administration. Currently, EPA has over fifty programs listed in the CFDA. The general public can review the CFDA by logging onto the following website: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.

EPA has eleven grants management offices (GMOs). The headquarters GMO is located in Washington, DC and the other ten GMOs are located in EPA's regional offices throughout the country.

The purpose of this training seminar is to ensure that:

  • EPA's nonprofit recipient community understands the assistance agreement regulations;
  • EPA's nonprofit recipient community understands how to manage assistance agreements and;
  • EPA's nonprofit recipient community knows how to close out assistance agreements.

Please share your comments and suggestions on this training program by writing us at the following address:

US Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Grants and Debarment
Attn: Division Director, GAD - Mail Code 3903R
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460

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