Keep the bad guys out

You don’t have to be a tech expert to help keep your information safe. Learn about the steps you can take to protect yourself online – like picking strong passwords and installing antivirus software – as well as the ways we fight to secure your information and devices.

  • Avoid scams

    Lots of the people you meet online are great, but a few bad apples can spoil the bunch. Follow these three simple tips to avoid scammers and stay safe on the web.

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  • How we help protect you from scams and personal fraud

    Just like in the offline world, there are con artists and fraudsters on the Internet. Learn more about what Google does to help keep you from getting scammed.

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  • Prevent identity theft

    You wouldn’t leave your front door unlocked, so why leave your online identity unsecured? By avoiding a few common criminal tricks, you can protect yourself from online fraud and identity theft.

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  • How we help you combat identity theft

    Find out more about how Google helps fight identity theft.

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  • Keep your device clean

    Find out some common signs that your device might be infected with malware—malicious software designed to harm your device or network—and how you can protect yourself.

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  • How we help you keep your computer and device clean

    Check out how Google helps protect your computer and device from malware.

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