Apply for a Project (January & July)
- Nonprofits inquire about ACT consulting
- Project screener has phone conversation with nonprofit
- Eligible nonprofits invited to apply
Develop the Project (February & August)
Project screeners meet with select nonprofits to:
- Assure ACT can meet the client request
- Clearly define project outcomes
Project Begins (March & September)
- ACT recruits volunteer consultants
- Project leaders meet with client to develop work plan
- Team meets with client and begins its research and analysis
- Full teams present findings to date in mid-course review (June & December)
- Fast Track engagements conclude (June & December)
Complete the Project (September & March)
- Final report: team presents recommendations to client management and board
- Consultants and client complete online evaluation
Assess the Project (October & April)
- 12-month follow up: project leader and team reconnect with the client to assess project impact