Meet the Seed Interns

2020 Seed Interns

Working Remotely for Companies Around the World


Student Spotlight

Deji supported healthcare portfolio companies as an intern at Leapfrog Investments, Kenya. "I am very passionate about Africa and I know that one of the key drivers for long-term growth on the continent lies in having quality talent to steer companies towards their true potential. By participating in the Seed internship, I will not be only filling this gap but also be a positive contributor to the socio-economic development of the continent."

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Student Spotlight

At Alstrut India Private Ltd, an Indian robotics company, Remy helped with business development and marketing for one of their products, the cobotizur. He also helped design a plan to push the cobotizur into the global market. "I believe that being a successful leader means being able to work and perform at a high level with a wide array of people. This internship allowed me to work for a company in India and I gained both hard and soft skills. I grew in my business development abilities while simultaneously growing my understanding of how to work in a different cultural context."


Student Spotlight

As an intern at Seed Effect, Uganda, Lexi identified new ways to support the company's operations, long term sustainability and protection of employees during Covid-19. “At the GSB, we learned anecdotally about how to lead an organization through crisis. This experience gave me the opportunity to partner directly with a CEO leading a business through one of the biggest crises of this century. In short, this experience provided a great capstone that allowed me to apply many practices, solidifying my learnings and helping me put them into motion to benefit a developing economy."


Student Spotlight

Kerry performed a market analysis on the healthcare industry for Doksta Medical Education Ltd in Nigeria. He also identified logical adjacencies for Doksta to explore as a way to scale their business, build their moat, and increase defensibility. “As someone who is keen on starting and growing a business in the African continent, Seed offered me a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into the key challenges that come with operating a business in an unpredictable market and to test out a few assumptions I have developed during my time at the GSB.”