
  • Behind the Buy #5: Managing and Delivering Digital Services for Agile Software Development

    In the fifth episode of the Behind the Buy podcast, OFPP Administrator Anne Rung interviews Chris Cairns, a former founding member of a private equity company and now Managing Director of the U.S. General Services Administration’s (GSA) 18F Consulting.

  • A Critical Fix to Funding Our Wildfire Response

    Today, President Obama signed into law the Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions Act (“Boulder-White Clouds”). This bipartisan bill protects three new wilderness areas over more than 275,000 acres. As he signed this bill into law, the President also called attention to another bipartisan piece of legislation that has yet to be passed: a critical fix to the way we fund our response to wildfires.

  • Strengthening & Enhancing Federal Cybersecurity for the 21st Century

    From the beginning of the Administration, the President has made it clear that cybersecurity is one of the most important challenges we face as a Nation. It is also an ever-growing and constantly changing challenge. For years, whenever I’ve spoken with private and public sector leaders, I’ve regularly asked them how much time they spend on cyber and related issues. And each year, the answers have been a higher proportion of their time than the year before. Today, any responsible leader of an organization – public or private sector – is dedicating significant attention and resources to addressing evolving cyber threats. And for good reason.

  • Senate Republican Bill Would Undermine Critical Financial Reforms and Consumer Protections

    Wall Street Reform built a stronger and more stable foundation for economic growth and made our financial system safer and more resilient by curbing excessive risk-taking, closing regulatory gaps, and putting in place the strongest consumer financial protections in history. However, its full benefit to our Nation's citizens and the economy cannot be realized unless the entities charged with establishing and enforcing the rules of the road have the resources and independence to do so. That’s why the President has been clear that we have to fund Wall Street’s regulators at levels that allow them to do their important work, and he’s repeatedly proposed funding levels in each year’s Budget that would be sufficient to implement Wall Street Reform. And that is also why he has repeatedly fought to keep our regulators free from the political whims of Congress.

  • Social Security Disability Insurance: A Lifeline for Millions of American Workers and Their Families

    The White House releases a report explaining how Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program works, who it helps, and its importance for millions of American working families.

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