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Could animals have raised human children?
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If you have ever read Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book”, you’re probably familiar with the fact that the book’s hero Mowgli was raised by wolves. If you’re familiar with Tarzan, he was raised by apes, and once he met other humans like him, he struggled to adapt and communicate in the beginning, but eventually learned. Even though the books were a work of fiction, the idea of being raised by animals isn’t far-fetched and has actually happened and continues to this day. What we would call these book characters would be “feral”, which is a term you’ve probably associated with cats or dogs. As humans, we are shaped and developed based on our upbringing. If we were raised in a household that speaks English and lives the American culture, then that is how we turn out. If we were raised bilingual, then we can speak two languages. The same goes for feral children.
Unfortunately, the majority of feral children come from tragedy or abusive households. There have been many accounts of children being abandoned, and then they are taken in by a pack of animals who raise them. When these children finally make human contact, they act more like the animals who raised them and often struggle to adapt. In most cases, these children are sent to a clinic or a hospital for treatment and adjusting them to human society. The sadder cases are those children who actually grew up with parents, but neglected them and leaving the animals to raise them.
But feral children aren’t always raised by animals. Sometimes feral children are neglected to the point to where they never psychologically age, and then you have children who still wear diapers and act like infants. Or, through abuse, you have feral children who never learned how to speak and have to be rehabilitated with speech therapy. It’s hard to wrap around the concept of anyone who wants to hurt and neglect their child, but it is a situation that unfortunately happens all too often. Many of the children in this video have been raised by wolves, dogs, birds, or by the elements. For example, a girl in Cambodia disappeared into the jungle in 1979, and she wasn’t found until 2007. Despite efforts to adapt her to society and live a normal human life, she eventually ran away back into the jungle where she likely felt safe and the most comfortable. A girl in the Ukraine was raised by dogs, and despite being treated in numerous hospitals and clinics, she has stated that she feels the most comfortable with other dogs instead of humans.
As you watch this video, you will realize that feral children are a real thing, and there are many more children like this who are living in the woods, living neglected in the homes of the people who were supposed to love them, and they are desperately crying for help. They are going to need help before it’s too late and they reach the point of being unable to turn around from their upbringing.
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Raised By Birds
The Romanian Dog Boy
Cambodian Jungle Girl
The Wolf Girls
The Mowgli Girl
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Raised By Dogs
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