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Top 10 things you didn't know about the food you eat at home.
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Food is essential to our life and survival as a living being. If there is anything in common across the board between species and different living beings, it is that we eat food. We can only survive on food for so long. It’s universal that every human being on this earth interacts with food in some way every day. Whether it is cooking or consuming, food plays a dominant role in our society. Over the course of evolution, humans have gone from hunting and gathering to becoming creators and innovators in the kitchen. Taste is now dominant over quality when it comes to food. The stuff that is good for us doesn’t typically taste all that good anymore. The food industry has manipulated nature and has created their own variations of food that not only taste better, but can be mass produced and sold in the local markets.
If there is one thing that we are all familiar with, it is food. As a society, we bond over shared meals like Thanksgiving or a lavish meal with the family. Food is a central part of our social life and survival as human beings on both a physical and mental level. Food companies have managed to create foods that are both enjoyable and addicting, and there is a chance that almost everyone out there shares the same kind of favorite food as you. Commercialism is a big part of this trend, and has contributed to the popularity of specific food brands.
Recently, thanks to the fact that there are more educated people out there in the world than ever, and the plethora of information available at our fingertips thanks to the Internet, we are able to learn more about food than ever. People have been using the information to make more educated decisions regarding their diet, learning how to grow their own food, and spread awareness about companies who are corrupt and slowly poisoning us with artificial ingredients.
Here some amazing food facts that will blow your mind. For example, when taken in large doses, nutmeg is a hallucinogen and people are finding that consumers will use it like marijuana. Also, peanuts aren’t actually nuts, but instead, they are legumes. Back in the 1800’s, ketchup was actually used as medicine for ailments such as nausea and diarrhea. Besides being one of the most popular condiments on the market, apparently consuming ketchup was believed to also help keep the immune system in check. Finally, one of the most shocking facts is that the famous Cap’n Crunch from the cereal box isn’t actually a captain according to the strings on his jacket, which indicate that he’s really a commander.
It is amazing to consider that many of these facts were kept as secrets for a considerable amount of time. As these food facts get exposed, there will be calls to action to change how our food is prepared. After you’re done watching this video, there’s a pretty good chance that your perception of food will completely change. Maybe you’ll even change your diet, go healthier, or even impress your friends at the next party you attend.
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