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PCS-ICIS Search User Guide

PCS and ICIS BannerPCS and ICIS iconThis search allows you to retrieve selected data from the Permit Compliance System (PCS) and Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) databases in Envirofacts holding National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. NPDES tracks permit issuance, permit limits and monitoring data, and other data pertaining to facilities regulated under NPDES.

This is a brief user guide to the PCS-ICIS Search. The Search allows you to retrieve preselected data from the PCS and ICIS databases in Envirofacts. You can narrow your search by selecting various options including facility name, geographic location, facility industrial classification, and chemicals. Only those facilities matching all specified criteria will be retrieved. Select more than one search option at a time to speed up the search and make the retrieval more focused. The searches are highly dependent on the geographic location, and a state or zip is required for all searches except an exact match for Facility ID. Please refer to the lists below.

Facility Identification Search Option

Facility Name

Enter the complete or partial facility name to retrieve all facilities with that name within your selected geography. Select the "Containing" option when entering a partial name for a better retrieval the first time you access the data. When an "Exact Match" option is specified for a facility name, only facilities that exactly match the name as entered will be retrieved.


Enter the complete (nine-character) or partial National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) ID to retrieve all facilities with that ID. Select the "Containing" option when entering a partial ID for a better retrieval the first time you access the data. When an "Exact Match" option is specified for a permit ID, do not specify another option; only one facility will be retrieved.

Geography Search Option

Select from the following geographical search options: ZIP Code, Address, City, County, and State. A five digit zip code or state entry is required for all searches except the NPDES ID "Exact Match" option.

ZIP Code

The entry can be one or more digits. It allows you to enter the zip plus-4 extension as well.


Enter a complete or partial street address.


Enter a complete or partial city name.


Enter a complete or partial county name and a two-character state postal abbreviation.


Enter a two-character state postal abbreviation. A list of the postal abbreviations and the state names is provided below. Currently all states are reporting to ICIS, except for New Jersey and Wyoming. Please note that New Jersey is not supplying EPA with required data about its Clean Water Act program as it has not converted to ICIS-NPDES. EPA has copied New Jersey's data from the old PCS system as of November 29, 2012. This allows users to see the list of regulated facilities and associated historical activities, however, subsequent state activities are not being reported. Wyoming will begin flowing data to ICIS-NPDES in February or March of 2013.

Postal Abbreviations and State Names
AK = Alaska AL = Alabama AR = Arkansas
AS = American Samoa AT = Atlantic Offshore AZ = Arizona
CA = California CO = Colorado CT = Connecticut
CZ = Canal Zone DC = District of Columbia DE = Delaware
FL = Florida FM = Federated States of Micronesia GA = Georgia
GB = George's Bank GE = Gulf of Mexico East GM = Gulf of Mexico
GU = Guam HI = Hawaii IA = Iowa
ID = Idaho IL = Illinois IN = Indiana
JA = Johnson Atoll KS = Kansas KY = Kentucky
LA = Louisiana MA = Massachusetts MD = Maryland
ME = Maine MH = Marshall Islands MI = Michigan
MN = Minnesota MO = Missouri MP = Mariana Islands
MS = Mississippi MT = Montana MW = Midway Islands
NC = North Carolina ND = North Dakota NI = No. Marianas Isl.
NE = Nebraska NH = New Hampshire NJ = New Jersey
NM = New Mexico NN = Navajo Nation NV = Nevada
NY = New York OH = Ohio OK = Oklahoma
OR = Oregon PA = Pennsylvania PR = Puerto Rico
PW = Palau RI = Rhode Island SC = South Carolina
SD = South Dakota SR = Saint Regis Tribe TN = Tennessee
TT - Trust Territory TX = Texas UT = Utah
UM = U.S. Minor Islands VA = Virginia VI = Virgin Islands
VT = Vermont WA = Washington WI = Wisconsin
WV = West Virginia WY = Wyoming

Note: The searches are highly dependent on the geographic location, and a five digit zip code or state entry is required for all searches except the NPDES ID "Exact Match" option.

Facility Industrial Classification Search Option

SIC Code Search
The first two digits in the code define a major business sector, and the last two digits denote a facility's specialty within the major sector. Select a search option from the drop down menu. For the “Equal to” option enter a 4-digit SIC code. For “Beginning with” or “Containing” enter up to 4 digits.

Parameter (Chemical) Name Search Option

Parameter Code
Enter the Parameter Code or lookup the appropriate Parameter Code by clicking on the "Lookup Parameter Code" button.

Parameter Code Name
Enter a complete or partial chemical (parameter) name. There can be various common names for the same chemical, so if the name you enter is not listed under that name for the facility, the PCS Search will not retrieve a facility that you might want to see.

Permit Expired Date Search Option

Enter a Permit Expired Date range. The numeric format is MMDDYYYY, where MM indicates month, DD indicates day, and YYYY indicates year (e.g., month=06, day=21, year=1995). To retrieve permits expiring after a certain date, enter a starting date only. To retrieve all permits expiring before a certain date, enter an ending date only.

Permit Issued Date Search Option

Enter a Permit Issued Date range. The numeric format is MMDDYYYY. where MM indicates month, DD indicates day, and YYYY indicates year (e.g., month=06, day=21, year=1995). To retrieve permits expiring after a certain date, enter a starting date only. To retrieve all permits expiring before a certain date, enter an ending date only.

Major Dischargers Only

Check this option to retrieve facilities that have been identified as major dischargers.

Search Values Option

Click on "Use Multisystem facility information to perform facility search" to identify facilities, using facility information from all program systems. Click on "Use PCS-ICIS facility information to perform facility search" to identify facilities, using only PCS-ICS facility information.


PCS-ICIS facilities range from public sewage treatment works to large petrochemical plants. Any business location (public, private, or federal) that discharges into the nation's lakes, rivers, or streams should be a PCS-ICIS facility.

Basic Facility Information

PCS-ICIS facilities obtain a permit from EPA or a State authority which "permits" the facility to discharge specified pollutants up to a defined limit. These permits generally expire after 5 years and have to renewed by EPA or the State authority.

The Basic Facility Information that you will receive with this search identifies the facility's geographic location and consists of the following variables:

Permitted Discharges Information

PCS-ICIS facilities obtain a permit from EPA or a State authority which "permits" the facility to discharge specified pollutants up to a defined limit. Certain parameters (chemicals, water temperature, oxygen content, etc.) of the facility discharge are monitored by EPA or the State to ensure that the facility does not exceed its permit. The output identifies the geographic location of the facility, the discharge points (pipes) of the facility, and the parameters that are monitored for each discharge point. The output, organized by facility, is shown first in a label format, followed by a tabular listing of the additional information.

Facility Information:

Additional Tabular Output:

The names of chemicals listed under the Parameter Description column link directly to their respective chemical factsheets.

Usage Constraints

Information in the PCS-ICIS database can be freely accessed through the use of this search. The complexity of the search is up to the user. Queries that return a large volume of data may terminate prematurely due to system limitations. Develop queries that return small batches of data and terminate the session as soon as the queries have been executed, so that others can access the database.