Scientific Computing

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Data-mining for Crystal 'Gold' at SLAC's X-ray Laser

A new tool for analyzing mountains of data from SLAC’s Linac Coherent Lightsource (LCLS) X-ray laser can produce high-quality images of important proteins using fewer samples. Scientists hope to use it to reveal the structures and functions of proteins that have proven elusive, as well as mine data from past experiments for new information

Mock Data, Real Science

In scientific circles, “mock” is not always a four-letter word. To test that they’re interpreting their massive amounts of data correctly, astrophysicists create even more data: “mock” data. And while that may be counterintuitive at first, it actually makes a surprising amount of sense.

XLDB 2013 Examines 'Big Data' Projects

If Benjamin Franklin were alive today, he would likely extend his often-quoted list of life's certainties – death and taxes – to include more and more data. SLAC computer scientist Jacek Becla couldn't agree more. As founder of the Extremely Large Databases (XLDB) conference, which serves people who work with datasets too large or complex for conventional solutions, Becla is intimately aware of the information explosion.
