Take Your Place as a Supporting Member of the Hoover Institution

About Hoover

When you join the community of Supporting Members of the Hoover Institution, you personally help advance ideas defining a free society.

Supporting Members enable the Hoover Institution to promote principled, workable public policies that champion individual, economic, and political freedom. Your support helps more than 100 scholars at the Hoover Institution make the case for private enterprise, limited government, and securing the peace for America and all mankind.

Of course, there are other tangible benefits you will receive as a Supporting Member. But supporters tell us their greatest benefit is the satisfaction of helping uphold the ideas that sustain a free, prosperous, secure society.

The Power of Your Involvement

The Hoover Institution will use your investment as a Supporting Member to inform the national policy debate.  By giving to maintain and expand our unmatched library of historical records and archives . . . by supporting the work of our outstanding scholars . . . you will increase your mark on American and world history.

  • You will increase our robust presence within Stanford University, which continues to grow from our founding almost 100 years ago by Herbert Hoover.
  • You will also sustain our new Hoover Institution in Washington DC office, which allows Hoover to have proximity to generate expert policy steeped in knowledge—at a time when Washington urgently needs this perspective.
  • Finally, you will help drive forward a strategic communications program—harnessing the power of print and electronic media to convey to America ideas defining a free society.


Shaping History . . . by Joining with History-Shaping Intellectuals

Since its founding as part of Stanford University almost 100 years ago, the Hoover Institution has built a reputation as one of America’s most academically respected public policy research centers. Hoover’s scholars are some of the most academically credentialed scholars in their fields, and include some of America’s most respected leaders.

  • Hoover’s Senior Fellows have included Nobel Laureates, two former Secretaries of State, former senior military officers, and former cabinet members of both political parties.
  • Hoover has more than 100 fellows who hold a Ph.D. in their area of expertise.
  • Hoover scholars are routinely called on for their expertise by the media, Congress, the White House, and foreign leaders to generate and promote solutions for modern-day policy challenges.

When you join the Hoover Institution, you will stand with a host of prestigious scholars and leaders to advance the values of personal freedom, private enterprise, limited government, and national security. Your partnership will help Hoover’s fellows bring to market innovative policy solutions to modern-day challenges, using a unique combination of scholarship, historical perspective, and strong communications.

As a Supporting Member, you may receive any or all of the exclusive subscriptions to publications that you can’t get anywhere else:

  • The Hoover Daily Report  -- this insightful publication keeps you up-to-date on the latest policy analysis from our fellows on the topics of  economics, foreign policy, education, healthcare, and many more.
  • The Hoover Digest – this exclusive quarterly magazine offers in-depth writings from Hoover fellows on politics, economics, and history.
  • Hoover Policy Perspective – this weekly newsletter brings you the latest policy updates from the Hoover Institution in Washington DC.
  • Access to in-depth publications such as Strategika, a monthly digest on military history and Peregrine, an online journal about US immigration policy.

Insider Events and Briefings: In appreciation for their support, supporting members at higher levels receive invitations to special events at Stanford and around the country, receiving privileged access and information.

Join Our Distinguished Community

Become a Supporting Member of the Hoover Institution today, and join the unique partnership of distinguished scholars, leaders, and concerned citizens who proudly advance the cause of individual and economic freedom, private enterprise, Constitutional government, and the American way of life.

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