Christopher Candelaria

Christopher ( is a doctoral candidate in the Education Policy and Economics of Education program. He graduated from Stanford University in 2006 with a B.A. degree in Economics. Prior to his doctoral studies, he worked for four years as a research associate at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. His current research interests include teacher labor markets, education finance, Federal and state-level accountability policies, and quantitative methods in research. At Stanford, Christopher obtained his M.A. degree in Economics in 2014.

Journal Publications

Candelaria, C. A., Daly, M. C., & Hale, G. B. (2015). Persistence of Regional Wage Differences in China." Pacific Economic Review, 20(3): 365-387. DOI: 10.1111/1468-0106.12113.

Candelaria, C., and Shores, K. "The Sensitivity of Causal Estimates from Court-Ordered Finance Reform on Spending and Graduation Rates." 2015. (under review)

Other Publications

Loeb, S. & Candelaria, C. A. (2012). "How stable are value-added estimates across years, subjects, and student groups?" The Carnegie Knowledge Network.

Candelaria, C. A., Lopez, J. A., & Spiegel, M. M. (2011). "Bond Currency Denomination and the Yen Carry Trade." In Yin-Wong Cheung and Guonan Ma (Eds.), Asia and the China in the Global Economy, Singapore: World Scientific, Chapter 9, pp. 245-282. DOI: 10.1142/9789814335270 0009.

Caballero, J., Candelaria, C. A., & Hale, G. B. (2009). "Bank Relationships and the Depth of the Current Economic Crisis." FRBSF Economic Letter 2009-38.

Candelaria, C. A., Daly, M. C. & Hale, G. B. (2009). "Interprovincial Inequality in China." FRBSF Economic Letter 2009-13.

Candelaria, C. A. & Hale, G. B. (2008). "Did Large Recalls of Chinese Consumer Goods Lower U.S. Imports from China?" (with Galina B. Hale). FRBSF Economic Letter: 2008-17.

Working Papers

"The Short and Long-Term Eects of Teachers on Student Achievement"

"School Finance Reform: An Interactive Fixed Eects Approach" (with Kenneth A. Shores).

"Bank Linkages and International Trade" (with Galina B. Hale, Julian Caballero, and Sergey Borisov). FRBSF Working Paper 2013-14.

Dissertation Committee:
Susanna Loeb (Adviser), Thomas S. Dee, Sean F. Reardon

Research Interests: Teacher Labor Markets, Education Finance Policy, Federal and State Accountability, Causal Methods in Quantitative Research


  • Stanford University, Ph.D. Candidate, Education Policy and Economics of Education (Expected June 2016)
  • Stanford University, M.A., Economics, June 2014
  • Stanford University, B.A., Economics, June 2006

More information:

Candelaria CV

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