At a glance

Music Library



Cherubini, Luigi, 1760-1842.
Autographed letter signed, 1793 April 17.
1 letter (4 p.)
Written to an official (possibly of the Opéra or Conservatoire), reporting on progress in composing his opera Médée, and requesting permission to stay in the country to complete the piece rather than returning to Paris.
Acquired through the Lucie King Harris Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

~Facsimile manuscripts~

Talamo, Emilia.
Codices cantorum : miniature e disegni nei codici della Cappella Sistina / Emilia Anna Talamo ; a cura della Fondazione Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina con il patrocinio della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana con il contributo della Banca di Credito cooperativo di Palestrina.
Firenze : Officine del novecento ; New York : OMI, c1997.
Music Library Locked Stacks


Bononcini, Giovanni, 1670-1747.
Songs in the opera of Etearco, as they are perform'd at ye Queens Theatre.
London : Printed for J. Walsh ... & J. Hare, [1711].
Acquired through the Ruth & Susan Sharp Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Collasse, Pascal, 1649-1709.
Ballet des saisons / mis en musique par Monsieur Collasse ...
A Paris : Chez Christophe Ballard ..., 1695.
Acquired through the Ruth & Susan Sharp Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Donizetti, Gaetano, 1797-1848.
Anna Bolena : tragedia lirica / de F. Romani ; posta in musica dal Maestro Donizetti.
Paris : Chez Richault, [ca. 1831].
Special Collections, Green Library

Jommelli, Nicolò, 1714-1774.
Componimento dramatico per le felicissime nozze di Luigi, delfino di Francia con la principessa Maria Giuseppa di Sassonia : da cantarsi. Libretto.
In Roma : Nella stamperia di Antonio de' Rossi, 1747.
Acquired through the Lucie King Harris Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791.
Il ratto dal seraglio : opera semiseria in tre atti / da W. A. Mozart = Die Entführung aus dem Serail : Oper in drey Aufzügen / Musik von W. A. Mozart ; Klavierauszug von A. E. Müller.
Leipzig : bey Breitkopf & Härtel, [1824].
Acquired through the Allen B. Cagle Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791.
Idomeneo, rè di Creta : opera seria in tre atti / Mozart ; Clavierauszug.
Berlin : Simrock, ca. 1798.
Music Library Locked Stacks

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791.
Clavier Auszug von Mozarts Zauberfloete / fürs Clavier eingerichtet von Fridrich Eunike gestochen und herausgegeben von N. Simmrock.
Bonn : [N. Simrock, 1793].
Acquired through the Lucie King Harris Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791.
Die Zauberflöte : im Klavierauszuge : Erstes[-zweites] Heft / von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Leipzig : In Commission der Breitkopfischen Musikhandlung, [ca.1795].
Each piece separately paginated; may have been issued in installments.
Acquired through the Allen B. Cagle Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Recueil général des ariettes, airs, récitatifs, romances et vaudevilles.
A Geneve : Chez Gallay, Pere & Fils, 1778.
Contains over 75 airs from contemporary operas, opera comiques, opera-ballets and various theatrical works.
Music Library Locked Stacks

Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868.
Armida : dramma tragico in tre atti / da G. Rossini = Armida : grosse Zauber-Oper in drey Aufzügen / Musik von Joachim Rossini ; Klavierauszug.
Leipzig : Breitkopf und Härtel, [182-?].
Acquired through the Lucie King Harris Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868.
Il barbiere di Siviglia : opera buffa in due atti / del Gioachino Rossini ; ridotto per il piano forte ; les épreuves ont été revues et corrigées, pour les paroles par L. Balochi, et pour la musique par plusieurs compositeurs.
Paris : Janet et Cotelle, [182-?].
Acquired through the Lucie King Harris Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868.
Le barbier de Séville : opéra comique en quatre actes / musique de Gioachino Rossini ; arrangé pour le piano forte, avec paroles italiennes et traduction française, par Castil-Blaze.
Paris : A. Petit, [182-?].
Acquired through the Mary K. Abercrombie Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868.
Partizione della Cenerentola : opera buffa in due atti / musica di Rossini ; ridotta pel [i.e. per il] pianforte.
A Paris : Chez Carli, [1822-1823].
Acquired through the Lucie King Harris Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868.
Partizione dell'Inganno felice : opera semi-seria, atto unico / musica di G. Rossini ; ridotta per il pianoforte.
Paris : Carli, [1820?].
Acquired through the Lucie King Harris Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868.
Partition de L'italienne à Alger / musique de Rossini ; arrangée pour le piano forte.
Paris : Carli, [18--].
Acquired through the Lucie King Harris Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868.
Matilde di Sabrand, ossia, Il corradino : dramma in due atti / musica di G. Rossini ; ridotta pel [i.e. per il] pian-forte.
Paris : Carli, [182-?].
Acquired through the Lucie King Harris Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868.
Otello : opera seria / posta in musica dal Maestro Rossini.
Nuova ed.
Pariggi : Pacini, [1820?].
Acquired through the Lucie King Harris Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868.
Partizione della Semiramide : melodramma tragico in duo atti / musica del G. Rossini ; ridotta del pianoforte.
Paris : Carli, [1823].
Acquired through the Lucie King Harris Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868.
Le siège de Corinthe : opéra en trois actes / musique de G. Rossini ; avec accompagnement de piano.
Paris : E. Troupenas, [ca. 1830].
Acquired through the Mary K. Abercrombie Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868.
Tancredi : opera seria / musica di Rossini.
Paris : Pacini, [18--]
Acquired through the Lucie King Harris Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Royer, Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace.
La fortune : ode / mise en musique par ordre de Monseigneur le Dauphin.
[Paris? : s.n., 1746?]
Acquired through the Ruth & Susan Sharp Book Fund.
Special Collections, Green Library

Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901.
Hernani : lyrisches Drama in vier Abtheilungen / Verdi ; vollständiger Calvier-Auszug mit deutschem und italienischem Texte.
Mailand : Ricordi, 1846.
Music Library Locked Stacks


The Musical times and singing-class circular [microform].
London : Novello, 1844-1903.
Microfilm. London : World Microfilms, 1970.
Library has: 1844-1903
Music Library Microtext

The Musical times [microform].
London, Novello, 1904-1909.
Volume/date range: v. 45, no. 731-50, no. 802; Jan. 1904-Dec. 1909.
Microfilm. London, World Microfilms, 1970.
Continues: Musical times and singing-class circular (London, England : 1844)
Library has: v.45(1904)-v.50(1909)
Music Library Microtext

The Musical times and singing-class circular [microform].
London, Novello, 1910-1956.
Volume/date range: v. 51, no. 803-97, no. 1366; Jan. 1910-Dec. 1956.
Microfilm. London : World Microfilms, 1970.
Continues: Musical times
Library has: v.51(1910)-v.97(1956)
Music Library Microtext

The Musical times [microform].
[London : Novello and Co., Ltd.], 1957-
Volume/date range: Vol. 98 (Jan. 1957) = no. 1367-
Microfilm. London : World Microfilms, 1970.
Continues: Musical times & singing class circular
Library has: v.98(1957)-v.99(1958)
Music Library Microtext

Signale für die musikalische Welt [microform].
Leipzig : Expedition der Signale für die musikalische Welt, 1843-1941.
Volume/date range: 2. Jan. 1843-99. Jahrg., Nr. 21/22 (28. Mai 1941).
Microfiche. München, Germany : K.G. Saur, 199-?. 315 microfiches.
Indexes: Jahrg. 1 (1843)-99 (1941). 1 v.
Notes: Microfiche and index shelved separately.
Library has: 1.Jahrg.(1843)-99. Jahrg.(1941)
Music Library Microtext

~Printed music~

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827.
An die ferne Geliebte : ein Liederkreis von Al. Jeitelles : mit Begleitung des Piano-Forte in Musik gesetzt.
Mainz : Schott, 1816.
Acquired through the Ruth & Susan Sharp Book Fund.
Music Library Locked Stacks

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827.
Grand quatuor de violon, op. 59, no. I[-III] / composé et arrangé pour le piano forte quatre mains par L. v. Beethoven.
Bonn : N. Simrock, [1824?].
Music Library Locked Stacks

Bruckner, Anton, 1824-1896.
Erste Symphonie (C-moll) für grosses Orchester / componirt von Anton Bruckner.
Wien : L. Doblinger, [1893].
The 2d version, completed 1891.
Acquired through the Ruth & Susan Sharp Book Fund.
Music Library Locked Stacks

Bruckner, Anton, 1824-1896.
Achte Symphonie in C-moll für grosses Orchester / von Anton Bruckner.
Wien : C. Haslinger qdm. Tobias ; Berlin : Schlesinger, [1892?].
Acquired through the Ruth & Susan Sharp Book Fund.
Music Library Locked Stacks

Chopin, Frédéric, 1810-1849.
Deux polonaises pour le piano, op. 40 / par Fred. Chopin.
A Paris : E. Troupenas & Cie., [1840].
Acquired through the Mary K. Abercrombie Book Fund.
Music Library Locked Stacks

Harduijn, Justus de, 1582-1636.
Goddelicke lof-sanghen : tot vermaekinghe van alle gheestighe lief-hebbers / door Iustus de Harduyn Pr.
Te Ghendt : By Jan vanden Kerchove, anno 1620.
Acquired through the Ruth & Susan Sharp Book Fund.
Music Library Locked Stacks

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791.
VII sonates pour le pianoforte / par W.A. Mozart.
[Leipzig] : Au Magasin de musique de Breitkopf et Härtel, à Leipsic, [1798].
(Oeuvres complettes / de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
The sonatas are K. 330, 331, 332, 333, 284, 310 & 311.
Music Library Locked Stacks

Mussini, Natale, 1765-1814.
Six sonates a deux violons, oeuvre 3e / composées par Mr. Moussini.
Paris : Boyer, [ca. 1790].
Music Library Locked Stacks

Pevernage, Andreas.
Osculetur me osculo oris sui / Andreas Pevernage.
Antwerp : Johann Sadeler, [1590].
Green Library, Special Collections

Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856.
Ballade vom Haideknaben : von F. Hebbel : für Declamation mit Begleitung des Pianoforte : op. 122, no. 1 / componirt von Rob. Schumann.
Leipzig : B. Senff, [1853].
Acquired through the Allen B. Cagle Book Fund.
Music Library Locked Stacks

Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856.
Drei Quartette für zwei Violinen, Viola und Violoncell, Op. 41, no. III / von Robert Schumann ; Arrangement für das Pianoforte zu vier Händen von Otto Dresel.
Leipzig : Breitkopf & Härtel, [18--?].
Music Library Locked Stacks

Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856.
Des Sängers Fluch : Ballade nach Ludwig Uhland bearbeitet von Richard Pohl : für Solostimmen, Chor u. Orchester : op. 139 / componirt und Johannes Brahms zugeeignet von Robert Schumann ; Clavierauszug.
Elberfeld : F.W. Arnold, [1858].
Acquired through the Ruth & Susan Sharp Book Fund.
Music Library Locked Stacks

Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856.
Schön Hedwig : Ballade von F. Hebbel für Declamation mit Begleitung des Pianoforte : op. 106 / von Robert Schumann.
[1st ed.].
Leipzig : B. Senff, [1853?].
Acquired through the Mary K. Abercrombie Book Fund.
Music Library Locked Stacks