Thanksgiving to-do’s

  1. Plan one thing (not 6 things, not “a few” things) to accomplish, academically, for each day of the break.
  2. Get some sleep.
  3. Ask yourself: what was the best thing about this quarter?
  4. Then ask yourself: how can I make sure I get more of that?
  5. Start a gratitude journal and make one entry
  6. Breathe out negativity. Breathe in gratitude and love.
  7. Reflect.
  8. Take a moment away from the Stanford grind to remember the bigger picture.
  9. Catch up with friends and family.
  10. Figure out how, in some little way, to help someone who needs help.
  11. Figure out what’s going to be due/when your exams are in week 9/10/finals week, post a calendar on your wall for checkingat a glance.
  12. Read a book for fun.
  13. Wash your hands. The last few weeks of the quarter are a terrible time to get sick.
  14. Do a secret good deed for someone.
  15. Write a letter to yourself to be opened in ten years.
  16. Enjoy your break.
Feedback? Contact Adina Glickman at

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