Archive for October, 2005

Aka: Why Starbucks is Evil and Tim Hortons Rocks!

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I took some pics of the changing colors of Autumn in Toronto this week. . My favorite season of the year. All the leaves are falling.

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Students can be suspended for a lot of odd reasons these days â?? wearing “objectionable” T-shirts, cross-dressing for prom, planning elaborate senior pranks â?? but a principal at a Catholic high school in Sparta, New Jersey, has added another offense to the list: having a blog.
The Reverend Kieran McHugh stunned the 900 students of the […]

But the remarks were unlikely to satisfy Israel, which called today for an emergency session of the UN security council.
“We have decided to open a broad diplomatic offensive,” the Israeli foreign minister, Silvan Shalom, said.
The country’s prime minister, Ariel Sharon, called yesterday for Iran to be expelled from the UN.
“A country that calls for the […]

LONDON (Reuters) - The “flying” Ford Anglia used in the
Harry Potter films has been stolen from a film studio lot, police said on Friday.
“For those who have not seen the Harry Potter films, this is the car that flies in the movies and is very well known,” a police spokesman said.
The blue Anglia went missing […]

“Ctrl + Alt + Del”
roughly translated:
“Write this down. We hereby announce the cessation of illegal copies for one whole hour
out of respect for Jordan’s great guest: Bill Gates“

I laughed so hard at this cartoon! I especially liked the “We only Mikrosoft dealer” painted on the wall and carboard “F1 Jordan Pleeeez”, that is so […]

Iraqis have ratified their new constitution, the results of a referendum showed on Tuesday, October 25, amidst cries of vote rigging.
Electoral Commission officials told a news conference 78 percent of voters backed the charter and 21 percent opposed it, Reuters reported.
Of 18 provinces, only two recorded “No” votes greater than two thirds, one province short […]

Playing the hand you’ve been dealt.
I don’t know why everyone is so hard on Qaddafi these days. He officially represents “the road travelled” while Saddam is now a symol of “the road less travelled”. The choices are you either stand up to America or become the court jester.
I think dictatorships in the Arab world are […]

MARCH 12th: Blogging For A Censorship-Free Jordan

vox populi

    Amman Sunup 7amAmman Sunup 6amAmman Sunup 5amfrance7france6france5france4france3


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