Archive for February, 2007

Al Gore may have lost his sense of navigation in the American political landscape. Otherwise he would’ve known that it was only a matter of time before a right wing group would try to embarrass him by employing the worst political maneuver in American politics: telling the truth. So shortly after he won an […]

My sister and I paid a visit to the “Relentless Resistance in Palestine” art exhibit featuring a collection of Carlos Latuff’s work. It was organized with the efforts of fellow bloggers Izzi and Duried.
Latuff’s work has a very comic book feel to it. Like a snapshot out of a Marvel series. Some of it […]

Last Request - Paolo Nutini
When someone is on a major record label by 18 and is producing pop ballads this smooth by 20, it kind of strikes an envious chord in me. Check out also “Loving You”.
So Long, So Long - Dashboard Confessional
Adam Duritz from Counting Crows is featured on this track, which has a […]

It eludes me sometimes; the things we choose to care about as Arabs. The way we can watch the news and inhale certain pieces; the connections we make during a single nightly broadcast. From the genius to the layman, we seem to have the same allergic reactions to the crumbling environment around us. And like […]

Frayed Ends is the first 3D short movie to be conceived in Jordan. It was the brainchild of eight people who wanted to do something different and challenging. It shows the darker side of animation, it conveys an abstract message that can touch people in a unique way.
It is a no budget film. The whole […]



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I have been sick for roughly two weeks now and only in the past 48 hours have I managed to reach the recovery stage and jump off the wretched “incapacitated” list. Why have I been sick that long? Because according to many I am stubborn. Why? Because I don’t want to see a doctor and […]

Iraqi kids in Baghdad don’t play cowboys and indians, rather sunnis versus shia’s. A sad article on how sectarian violence has seeped into children war games.

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MARCH 12th: Blogging For A Censorship-Free Jordan

vox populi

    Amman Sunup 7amAmman Sunup 6amAmman Sunup 5amfrance7france6france5france4france3


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