Archive for October, 2007

A house in the Baq3a refugee camp was burnt down on October 28th. The father works on a ka3k trolley and earns 3-4 JD’s a day. Meanwhile, his wife is deaf and has 9 children, 2 of whom are twin toddlers. The Action Committee is trying to collect necessary items for them, such as mattresses, […]

September 19th, 2007: The Towers of Babel outside my house.

October 8th, 2007: One Tower Falls

October 29th, 2007: Return Of The Second Tower

WTF Man?! Apparently, the police and other “officials” have been bought off by Orange and Zain, according to various sources and the fact that one policeman told us bluntly not to mess with these […]

After several weeks of incredibly bad movies coming out, Oscar potential movies are starting to emerge. I thought I’d do a few reviews of movies (available in Jordan now) that are definitely worth watching.
American Gangster | Ridley Scott does a great job of directing this movie based on a true story. Danzel Washington plays a […]

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, there are more food poisoning cases. After fish, water and shawarmah (several times), humus is suspected by officials, to be the latest culprit.

Health Minister Salah Mawajdeh told The Jordan News Agency, Petra, that final results are expected to be out in […]

Admit something:
Everyone you see, you say to them,
“Love me.”
Of course you do not do this out loud;
Someone would call the cops.
Think about this,
This great pull in us to connect.
Why not become the one
Who lives with a full moon in each eye
That is always saying,
What every other eye in this world
Is dying
To hear.
- Hafiz

addthis_url […]

So according to the calender, it’s blog-about-your-favorite-blogger-day and I’m forced to break the rules because I don’t have just one. Every blogger in my links section is someone who has a blog that I read consistently (when that term applies to my life) and I do feel they represent the best of the best from […]

Last night the Amman Symphony Orchestra performed its first concert for the 2007-2008 season. Josep Vincent of Spain was the guest conductor with 22 year-old piano virtuoso, Lulu Yang of China on piano. The concert was pretty phenomenal as it was my first time seeing the Amman Symphony Orchestra play. My favorite pieces included the […]

The Black Iris humbly began on a winter’s night in late Feburary of 2005. Mahmoud Abbas had just won his first and last landslide victory in Palestine and The Beatles were all the craze down in Kerak. Fast forward 33 months later and as of a few days ago, The Black Iris has logged just […]

MARCH 12th: Blogging For A Censorship-Free Jordan

vox populi

    Amman Sunup 7amAmman Sunup 6amAmman Sunup 5amfrance7france6france5france4france3


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