Archive for May, 2009

Well tonight should be an interesting night. Jordanian bloggers via 7iber, have teamed up with some amazing artists to put on a never-before-untypical-unprecedented show tonight at the Al-Hussein Cultural Center in Ras Il-Ein. It’s a show that makes an attempt of merging the online and offline worlds in Jordan - bringing an online conversation to […]

His Majesty King Abdullah paid an incognito visit to the Health Ministry’s Patients’ Affairs Department on Wednesday to check on services it offers citizens, sources told The Jordan Times. Wearing a black thobe (traditional dress) and a red-and-white kuffiyah, and sporting a black beard, the King arrived at the department, located in Shmeisani behind Le […]

Twenty Six


So scared of getting older
I’m only good at being young
So I play the numbers game
To find a way to say
That life has just begun/
Stop this train
I wanna get off
And go home again
I can’t take the speed it’s moving in
I know I can’t
But honestly
Won’t someone stop this train?
“Stop This Train” - John Mayer

Twenty Five
Twenty Four
Twenty Three


Happy Independence Day everyone!
So Jordan celebrates its 63rd Independence Day today, and I know mainstream media will probably effectively cover all of the Kingdom’s achievements over the past several decades, which usually entails copying and pasting information from last year and then throwing in a Jordanian flag sticker with every newspaper copy. So there’s really […]

@QueenRania Dear Your Majesty, I hope this tweet finds you well. I should mention right off the bat that this tweet will be longer than the 140 characters typically allocated to me, but I’ll try my best to keep it short and well-worded as is often the case when addressing royalty. Your recent joining of […]

It’s a hot and dusty day here at the dead sea but in case anyone’s interested, around eighteen 7iber-trained, young, citizen journalists from all over the Arab world, are right here at the World Economic Forum covering the three-day event and its sessions. We’ve got bloggers, live bloggers, flip cameramen, interviews, watweting and more. Check […]

Ninety-four per cent of journalists in Jordan practise self-censorship, according to a survey conducted by the Centre for Defending the Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ) to mark World Press Freedom Day.
“This year, the survey highlighted self-censorship exercised by journalists in Jordan as well as the phenomenon of bloggers in the Kingdom and the increasing role of […]

MARCH 12th: Blogging For A Censorship-Free Jordan

vox populi

    Amman Sunup 7amAmman Sunup 6amAmman Sunup 5amfrance7france6france5france4france3


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