Archive for December, 2009

I haven’t done many movie reviews this year for some reason, but as movie buff, I’ve really missed writing them. And while it’s too late, and perhaps too burdensome (mostly for the readers) to do all of these seperatly, I thought I’d write them all in a single gigantic post. They are not necessarily the […]

Fellow Jordanian blogger, Ahmad Humeid is helping to kick start a spur-of-the-moment get together at the First Circle on New Years Eve. It’s going to be pretty interesting I think. It’s the anti-event that you won’t see being promoted in a newspaper or on the radio, but over the Internet and through word of mouth. […]

An interesting editorial in today’s Al Rai highlighted the story of government employee, Mohammad Nsour, who turned down a JD50,000 bribe delivered to him in a suitcase - mafia style. The employee helped authorities in capturing the bribers in the end. But weeks passed after the incident and not a single official called the employee […]

Merry Christmas to all the readers of The Black Iris in Jordan and elsewhere! Here’s a little something that’s sure to put a smile on your face:

ht: fadig

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Reuters Pictures
“It is not only Israel that has failed the people of Gaza with a blockade that punishes everybody living there for the acts of a few. World powers have also failed and even betrayed Gaza’s ordinary citizens. They have wrung hands and issued statements, but have taken little meaningful action to attempt to change […]

AP Photo - A boy sells pickled olives from a stall on the Amman-Jerash Highway in Jordan, Sunday, Dec, 20, 2009.
Interestingly enough, Jordan produces 28,000 tonnes of olive oil a year with 24,000 tonnes consumed domestically.

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Just heard the news about an hour ago that Samir Rifai, who as of yesterday headed the Jordan Dubai Capital corporation, has been appointed as the next Prime Minister of Jordan. I don’t really know what to say about this piece of news. It is, from at least this citizen’s point of view, not the […]

Oh, Jerusalem


To begin with, last week, it was revealed that Israel had revoked the Jerusalem residency rights of over 4,500 Palestinians in 2008, mainly because it claimed that they had been absent from the city for more than the allowed seven years (had this happened anywhere else in the world, we would’ve called it ethnic cleansing). […]

MARCH 12th: Blogging For A Censorship-Free Jordan

vox populi

    Amman Sunup 7amAmman Sunup 6amAmman Sunup 5amfrance7france6france5france4france3


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