Toxics Across America map

MTS List chemicals produced or imported in the U.S.

Based on report published: April 14, 2014

Click on a dot to display information for a given site. Learn how else to use this map. Also, there are two sites outside of the continental U.S. that may be a bit difficult to find on the map, so use these links to go directly to locations in Hawaii and St. Croix. Reload page or click the Reset button below to recenter the map.

# of MTS chemical(s) produced and/or imported at site:

Green map marker
Purple map marker
Pink map marker
Yellow map marker
Red map marker
Info Window Terms

MTS - Mind the Store list of chemicals

CAS # - Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number

Activity - Manufactured and/or Imported

PBT - Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic

vPvB - Very persistant and very bioaccumulative

CBI - Confidential Business Information

NKRA - Not Known or Reasonably Ascertainable

Withheld - Volume withheld by EPA due to CBI claims

TRI - Toxics Release Inventory

* - See Information Window Entry Notes

See the Mind the Store website for additional information on the sources of information for hazard characteristics.

See the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data for the top 14 “Toxics Across America” chemicals.

See Information Window Entry Notes for additional information on the entries in the windows.