Forbes Digital BrandVoice lets marketers post interesting, relevant content on while tapping into the social Web through Forbes’ powerful, search-optimized publishing platform.

sap digi brandvoice
Marketers as Content Curators

BrandVoice enables Partners to choose relevant content from other Web sites and share it with Forbes users.

Marketers as Content Distributors

Share existing content such as white papers, videos and photos to Forbes readers through your posts

Digital BrandVoice Elite promoted on

digi brandvoice promotionsConnect with your audience:

  • Create: Receive a dedicated landing page on to upload original content (photos, videos, articles, etc.) and engage with Forbes users, editors and contributors.
  • Engage Your Audience: BrandVoice offers a unique opportunity to publish original content, comment on other content and interact with the Forbes audience, using the same tools that Forbes editors use.
  • Publish in a Trusted Environment: BrandVoice content exists alongside trusted Forbes editorial content, fully transparent so the audience knows the source.
  • Build Your Community: BrandVoice gives our partners a platform within the established Forbes environment, where readers and site visitors come for valuable, actionable information.


A Forbes Brand Producer will be assigned to:

  • Help develop a cohesive BrandVoice theme for your content
  • Review your existing content for republishing or repurposing for your BrandVoice program
  • Identify writers to submit story ideas and contribute articles on behalf of our Partners
  • Facilitate client reviews of BrandVoice articles
  • Optimize content using Forbes contributor tools
  • Post approved content to Partner’s BrandVoice platform
  • Provide ongoing support and insights.


Case Study:

sap case study


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