
Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS)

Students: Yee Yesheng, Joel LiAntony JanChinmay Nivargi

Widespread application of photovoltaic power to provide a significant fraction of the world’s energy needs will require a dramatic lowering of photovoltaic cell material cost and thus, the use of inexpensive, abundant materials and low-cost fabrication strategies. One candidate material that has the potential to meet these requirements is Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS). CZTS has a favorable band gap for solar cell applications, is made entirely of abundant materials and has a high absorption coefficient to minimize the quantity of material used in devices.

In order to prepare thin films of CZTS we constructed a five target sputtering system. The system consists of a load lock for rapid sample loading/unloading, a large chamber with three sputter guns for co-deposition of copper, zinc and tin, and a secondary chamber for deposition of chromium and molybdenum to be used as back contacts for CZTS devices. It includes a substrate heater for temperature control from room temperature up to 700°C and a rate monitor to control deposition rate. We also added a H2S gas source in an attempt to incorporate sulfur into the films during the deposition process. By introducing controlled quantities of H2S into the sputtering ambient we can reactively sputter a CZTS film with the required crystal structure in a one-step process. This process has the potential to eliminate the defects associated with out-diffusion of metals during the post-deposition H2S anneal used in the current world record process.

Related Publications

  • Understanding the Role of Grain Boundaries in Sulfide Thin Film Solar Cells with Scanning Probe Microscopy – Joel B. Li, Vardaan Chawla, and Bruce M. Clemens ; 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, Texas, (2012)
  • Investigating the Role of Grain Boundaries in CZTS and CZTSSe Thin Film Solar Cells with Scanning Probe Microscopy – Joel B. Li, Vardaan Chawla, and Bruce M. Clemens ; Advanced Materials, Vol. 24, Issue 6, pages 720–723, Feb. 7 (2012)
  • Chawla, V. (2010, April). Identification of Defects and Secondary Phases in Reactively Sputtered Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films. Presented at Materials Research Society 2010 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Chawla, V. (2010, June). Inexpensive, Abundant, Non-toxic Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications Grown by Reactive Sputtering. Presented at the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists 2010 Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.

    FeS2 (Pyrite)

    Students: Chinmay Nivargi

    Coming soon…


    Students: Garrett Hayes, Joel Li

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  • Groves, J. R. (2010, April). Biaxial Texturing of Inorganic Photovoltaic Thin Films Using Low Energy Ion Beam Irradiation During Growth. Presented at Materials Research Society 2010 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, California.