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Avner Greif

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Avner Greif

The Bowman Family Endowed Professor in Humanities and Sciences
Department of Economics
Senior Fellow
Freeman Spogli Institute (FSI)
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PhD, Economics, Northwestern University, 1989
MA, Economics, Northwestern University, 1988
MA, History of the Jewish People, Tel Aviv University, 1985
BA, Economics and History of the Jewish People (Double Major), Tel Aviv University, 1981


Avner Greif is Professor of Economics and Bowman Family Endowed Professor in Humanities and Sciences at Stanford. His research interests include European economic history: the historical development of economic institutions, their interrelations with political, social and cultural factors and their impact on economic growth. Some of his publications are: Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy: Lessons from Medieval Trade, Cambridge University Press (March 2006); Impersonal Exchange without Impartial Law: The Community Responsibility System, Chicago Journal of International Law (2004); How Do Self-enforcing Institutions Endogenously Change? Institutional Reinforcement and Quasi-Parameters (with David Laitin), the American Political Science Review (2003); Analytic Narratives, Oxford University Press, 1998. Avner Greif received his Ph. D. in economics from Northwestern University, and his B.A. in economics and history - from Tel Aviv University.

Academic Areas: 
Market Design and Auctions