
The collections cover peace movements in the United States and Europe during World War I and the interwar period. Among them are the papers of pacifist Alice Park and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Alfred Fried. The library holds many rare pamphlets issued by peace organizations. Other archival collections concern disarmament and peace movements in the Vietnam War era.

Alice Park Papers, Envelope B, Hoover Institution Archives

Explore the papers of a World War I pacifist


Irwin Abrams Papers

US educator; director, foreign service training, American Friends Service Committee, 1943–46

Fellowship of Reconciliation Records

US nondenominational pacifist organization

Alfred Hermann Fried Papers

Austrian pacifist; winner, Nobel Peace Prize, 1911

George Davis Herron Papers

Unofficial adviser to President Woodrow Wilson

Wolfgang Janisch Papers

East German artist and peace activist

David Starr Jordan Papers

US educator and pacifist; president, Stanford University, 1891 –1913

Guenter Lewy Collection

Miscellaneous materials related to pacifist groups in the United States and Germany

Alice Park Papers

US pacifist and feminist; member, Henry Ford Peace Ship expedition, 1915

Rosika Schwimmer Papers

Hungarian pacifist and feminist

World without War Council Records

US nonprofit organization that  promoted peace

Peace Subject Collection

Miscellaneous materials

See More:

Peace Archival Collections     Peace Library Materials

Esenwein, George Richard. Guide to the John D. Crummey Peace Collection in the Hoover Institution. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 1991.

"Wars We Should Fight" (1939; Annie Lee Guinther, artist), US 8176, Poster colle

Featured Find: Peace Posters

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

From 1935 to 1940, students from all over the United States participated in a contest to create posters inspired by the theme of Peace. The National Circulating Library of Students' Peace Posters, based in Philadelphia, sponsored the contest; in 1940, the winning posters were reproduced and sold as collectible, stamp-sized stickers. The sponsoring organization was founded by Nancy Babb, a Quaker who volunteered with the American Relief Administration's famine relief efforts in Russia in 1921.

Spanish Civil War from an anarchist art album

Hoover Institution Library and Archives Host Exhibition “Shattered Peace: The Road to World War II”

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

STANFORD—Next year marks the seventieth anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. “Shattered Peace,” an exhibition by the Hoover Institution Library and Archives, chronicles the events leading up to the war by drawing on their rich holdings.

Press Releases
Mary Wright, curator of the Chinese collection and C. Easton Rothwell, director

Tower of Peace

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

In his 1970s radio addresses, Ronald Reagan often featured a “desk-clearing day,” where he would tackle a few different, smaller issues in one sitting. In the same spirit, here’s a Hoover Archives’ desk-clearing blog.

Dictators’ Dance, artwork by famed Dutch cartoonist, Louis Raemaekers, ca. 1939

Shattered Peace: The Road to World War II

The exhibit will be open to the public through May 27, 2009.



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