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ICE Graduation

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Careers in ICE

Roughly half of the graduates of the ICE Doctoral program go on to academic careers in colleges and universities primarily in North America. The other half pursue careers in government, research, consulting organizations, and foundations. In recent years, such organizations have included the Academy of Educational Development, American Institutes for Research, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, The Hewlett Foundation, McKinsey & Company, RTI International, the Social Science Research Council, UNESCO, and the World Bank.

Graduates of the ICE/IEPA Master's program frequently hold research and program management positions in education research or development organizations. Some graduates find private sector jobs, using cross-cultural perspectives in training employees and researching products. As many as 30 percent go on to doctoral programs after completing the M.A. degree. Below is a sampling of recent post-graduate placements for graduates of the ICE/IEPA MA program.

“All of the positions I’ve had since graduating from the Program I’d found out about through one of Christine’s emails!” – Sara Atienza, ICE MA ‘06

  • Academic Director, EC English, San Francisco, CA
  • Administrative Assistant to the Manager of Strategy, Planning and Alignment, eHealth Liaison Branch, Toronto, Canada
  • Advisor, Secretariat of Public Education, Mexico City
  • Assessment & Evaluation Manager, Global Nomads Group, New York City
  • Associate Director, Undersecretariat of Compulsory Education, Mexico  City
  • Associate Product Marketing Manager, Google Inc., Mountain View, CA
  • Co-founder, lab pre-school with the American University of Cairo and Hypatia
  • Consultant, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University
  • Country Manager, Knewton, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Customer Success Specialist of Special Projects, School Mint, San Francisco
  • E-learning Project Coordinator, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy
  • Early Childhood Development Specialist, World Bank, Washington, DC
  • Education & Training Specialist, National Academy of Science, Washington, DC
  • Education Director, Mexican Migration Field Research Program, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Enrollment and Data Reporting Officer, Stanford Graduate School of Education
  • Executive, Abril Educação, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Manager of Program Evaluation and Assessment, The Boys and Girls Clubs of the Peninsula, Menlo Park, CA
  • Project Manager, Conviva Platform in Instituto Natura, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Program Manager for Online EducationStanford Graduate School of Business
  • Program and Research Associate, Room to Read
  • Research Analyst, Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education
  • Research and Policy Fellow, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Washington, DC
  • Research Assistant, Center for Global Assessment, Educational Testing Service
  • Research Assistant, John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities, Stanford University
  • Research Assistant, Peking University
  • Research Assistant, RAND, Santa Monica, CA
  • Research Assistant, Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education
  • Research Associate, Barna Business School, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
  • Research Associate, Quality Evaluation Designs, San Mateo, CA
  • Research Associate/Study Coordinator, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
  • Research Manager, Innovations for Poverty Action, Sierra Leone
  • Researcher, Royal Academy Project, His Majesty’s Secretariat, Bhutan
  • Researcher and Teacher, Xavier High School and MicSem, Micronesia
  • Senior Business Analyst, Reasoning Mind, Houston, Texas
  • Teacher, Reach Academy, Oakland, CA
  • Undergraduate Admissions Counselor, Due West Education, Beijing
  • Assistant Director, Center for Global Business and the Economy, GSB
  • Associate, School Implementation Team, Khan Academy
  • Consultant, Bridgespan; Stanford School Redesign Network
  • Director, Kitebridge
  • Education Program Analyst, Global Health Sciences, UCSF
  • Education Specialist, Pearson Foundation
  • Instructional Coach, Internationals Network for Public Schools
  • Program Coordinator, Institute of International Education
  • Program Officer, America Indian Foundation
  • Research Analyst, Acumen LLC; National Equity Project
  • Research Assistant, Edutopia; MPR Associates
  • Research Associate, WestEd
  • Research Social Scientist, SRI International
  • Researcher, Empirical Education
  • Sr. Program Associateand Sr. Reading and Writing Instruction Program Officer, Room to Read
  • Strategic Relationships Manager, African Leadership Foundation
  • Admissions Officer, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
  • Associate/Consultant, Measuring Success, Washington, DC
  • Associate Director, American Jewish World Service, NYC
  • Basic Education Learning Research Specialist, Save the Children
  • Career Trainee, Daimler AG, Stuttgart Area, Germany
  • Director of Outreach and Administration, World Teach, Boston
  • Education Research and Operations Analyst, World Bank, DC
  • Evaluation Specialist, Pacific Resources for Education and Learning
  • Fellow, Teach First Germany
  • Founder and Executive Director, Allowance for Good, Evanston, IL
  • Independent Contractor, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Literacy Specialist, Save the Children, Washington, DC
  • Manager, Due West Education, Beijing, China
  • Management Analyst, Office of the State Superintendent of Education for DC Public Schools, Washington, DC
  • Project Coordinator, Kenyatta University School of Ed., Nairobi, Kenya
  • Program Manager, Center for Civic Education, Calabasas, CA
  • Program Officer, IIE, Bangkok; JICA, Tokyo; OECD, Paris
  • Research Assistant, UNESCO Ed. Policy and Reform, Bangkok
  • Research and Policy Associate, Learning Policy Institute, Washington DC
  • Senior Consultant, Beijing Quakers Education Consulting, Ltd., Beijing
  • Survey Specialist, NORC, Chicago
  • Anthropology of Education, Stanford University
  • Comparative and International Development Education, University of Minnesota
  • Comparative and International Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
  • Economics of Education, University of London
  • Education Leadership and Policy, Vanderbilt University
  • Education Policy, UC Berkeley; UC Davis
  • Education Policy, Leadership, and Instructional Practice, Harvard University
  • Education Poiicy, Organization and Leadership, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Higher Education and Organizational Change, UCLA
  • Human Resources Studies, Cornell University
  • International Comparative Education, Stanford University
  • Language and Literacy, Society and Culture/Social and Cultural Studies, University of California, Berkeley
  • Political Philosophy, Oxford
  • Political Science, University of Zurich; Stanford University
  • Social & Cultural Anthropology, Stanford University
  • Law, Columbia University; Yale University
  • Asia Society of Northern California
  • Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Beijing, China
  • Escuela Nueva
  • Inspiring Multicultural Understanding
  • Institute of International Education
  • Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies
  • Lemann Center
  • National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP)(Brazil)
  • Quality Evaluation Designs
  • Results for Development (R4D)
  • Room to Read
  • Save the Children
  • WestEd

To learn more about Stanford EdCareers, the career resources center at the Stanford Graduate School of Education, visit their web site: