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Recent News

Mar 10 2016
Posted in: CSS, Faculty, IRiSS
Stanford faculty, Ashish Goel, has designed an algorithm where voters can design a budget that reflects their priorities as a way of informing politicians about what people really want. 
Mar 8 2016 | Stanford GSE
Posted in: Faculty, IRiSS
Sean Reardon, Affiliate of the Center on Poverty and Inequality, explains in recent research that mixed-income neighborhoods are becoming less common as inequality rises. 
Mar 8 2016
Posted in: CSS, Faculty, IRiSS
Instead of waiting months for diagnoses from specialists, children with clear symptoms of autism can now be identified in 7 short questions. Dennis Wall, speaker at a CSS conference, used mathematical algorithms to focus on a small set of screening questions that allow parents and doctors to screen...
Posted in: CAROL, Faculty, IRiSS
Candace Thille, Assistant Professor of Education and Senior Research Fellow for the Office of the Vice Provost for Online Learning, voices some of her concerns about letting companies take the lead in shaping the learning-analytics market. 
Feb 24 2016
Posted in: IRiSS
IRiSS received the following call for proposals from the U.S. Department of Labor that may be of interest to some faculty, post doctoral scholars, and graduate students.
