• MedX has transformed "patient-centered" from a buzzword into a way of thinking and collaborating.

    Roni Zeiger, MDCo-founder and CEO, Smartpatients
  • The finely orchestrated Medicine X program amazed me. The team was poised, accessible, and proactive. Dr. Chu is a perfectionist who surrounds himself with other perfectionists.

    Jon KiehnauFounder, Struts & Springs Co.
  • MedX has stolen my heart. The feeling of physically being in the same space with others who are passionate and inspiring is truly awesome. Awestruck.

    Carly MedoschProgram Analyst and Chronic Illness Advocate
  • This conference has immediately inspired a change in career trajectory and lit a fire within me to learn how I can build and design patient-centered health care solutions.

    Matthew KreyGlaxoSmithKlein Future Leaders Program
  • Medicine X was the first medical conference I attended that included patients. It totally changed my perspective and enriched by practice.

    Marc Katz, MD, MPHChief Medical Officer, Bon Secours Heart & Vascular Institute
  • Lots of new ideas, contacts, access...I feel so motivated to become a better communicator and advocate and researcher.

    Caroline Polak ScowcroftTropical North Queensland TAFE - Nursing
  • Best food at a conference. Ever.

    Margaret Polaneczky, MDAssociate Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College
  • This was more than a conference. It was a convocation of folks who have diverse but common interests in advancing health care as a humanistic, inclusive, technology-infused, egalitarian process wherein the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

    Patricia Bach, RN, PsyDPresident, Psychologists in Long Term Care
  • Medicine X has changed how I view myself and healthcare forever!

    Jamia Crockett, MHAManager of Community Benefits, Mary Washington Healthcare
  • This is the best organized conference I've attended in my life!

    Francisco GrajalesDoctoral candidate, University of British Columbia
  • The conference was transformative, enlightening, hugely inspiring and more complete than I could have imagined.

    Jim Henning, MDFellow in Residence, HealthTap
  • I won't just take information, ideas and contacts away with me–we are sharing them all online!  I expect the new ideas and contacts fostered here will continue to grow and be nurtured long after Medicine X.

    Louise Schaper, PhDCEO, Health Informatics Society of Australia
  • From the outside, #MedX can seem like a happy place where everyone agrees on the betterment of health care–but it thrives most with difficult topics and people who care enough to challenge the status quo.

    Nikki EstañolePatient
  • By immersing myself in the Medicine X culture and vision of how design, research, and entrepreneurship can be integrated into technology, I was inspired to build 11health.

    Michael SeresFounder, 11health
  • Attending Medicine X brings you into an active community of people who are driven in ways that attendees of most conferences are not.

    Doug KanterFounder, Databetes
  • Medicine X is a unique blend of patient voices and medical perspectives. The discussions are real and sometimes raw.

    Charles OrnsteinSenior Reporter, ProPublica
  • Medicine X is a collection of the most visionary, passionate people from all corners of health care.

    Emily Kramer-Golinkoff, MBECo-Founder, Emily's Entourage
  • There is no other conference that let's you get so close, and so personal to the end-users of your technology.

    Audun UtengenCo-Founder, Symplur
  • The Medicine X conference has a strong sub-theme of design and patient-centered focus. It's my absolute favorite and most impactful medical and health conference.

    Dennis BoylePartner & Founding Member, IDEO

2-day pass | limited time offer expires september 11, 2017

Conference Overview

CITIZEN | September 14 to September 17, 2017

Medicine X 2017 draws inspiration from the emphasis President Obama placed in his farewell address to the United States, a title that every person shares: Citizen. Medicine X 2017 will explore the way in which individuals can push health care change through citizenship; thinking through what citizenship means for all stakeholders in health care, and the ways in which all must work together to make the change that we wish to see.

Join us to meet the innovators who are disrupting health care throughout the globe. We will see the emerging technologies of today and learn how they will impact the health care we deliver and receive tomorrow.  We will explore the drivers of change through organizational leadership and creative collaboration outside of health care’s traditional silos.

Be ready to use what you learn at Medicine X to create a shared vision of collaborative and participatory medicine of tomorrow.

The World's Leading Patient-Centered Health Tech Conference

Everyone Included™ is a framework for health care innovation, implementation and transformation based on principles of mutual respect and inclusivity. It is the culmination of six years of co-creation with a diverse group of health care stakeholders at Stanford Medicine X that has resulted in a series of design and leadership principles intended to drive collaborative health care innovation efforts.

For one week in September, Northern California becomes home to the world’s premier gathering of patients, providers, researchers, designers and technologists who are leading disruptive innovation in health care. A series of world-class programs, workshops and events begin on Monday and culminate on Friday with the start of Stanford Medicine X – an Everyone Included™ event and the most-discussed academic medical conference in the world.

meet the innovators who are disrupting health care

hear from world-renowned keynote speakers across industries

Ai-Jen Poo

Ai-jen Poo – Founder, Activist, & Author

national domestic workers alliance

The New Caring Majority

In 2012, she was named to Time magazine’s annual list of “The World’s 100 Most Influential People.”   Today, Ai-jen Poo is on a mission to transform long-term care in the United States as an organizer and author of The Age of Dignity. Learn more


Amy Edmondson – Professor of Leadership

harvard business school

Speak up!

Amy Edmonson believes that building psychologically safe workplaces is critical to better teaming in health care. She will highlight the importance of of creating psychological safety, particularly when the patient is a part of the health care team.  Learn more….


Hooman Noorchasm – Surgeon & Activist

university of pennsylvania

Igniting Change Through Resilience

Hooman will share the story of his late wife Amy Reed who was harmed in a medical procedure, and the ensuring journey they began to change medical practice in the U.S

main stage sessions

our signature day of moonshot thinking and big idea inspiration


The future of health care in a connected digital world

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Breaking out of the echo chamber one conversation at time


Stories of long-shots, and uncommon opportunities

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Kickstarting successful movements for change

160+ high quality breakout sessions

hear from leading innovators and researchers from around the globe


After an extensive peer-review process, we are pleased to be offering over 160 high quality breakout sessions this year. Sessions range from five-minute Ignite! presentations, to interactive 90-minute workshops, in five different tracks (Business, Design, ePatient, Implementation, Research).

health care innovation summit

disrupt the health care payer system

Thursday, September 14th


Why have billions been invested in revolutionizing employer health benefits? Join us at the Health Care Innovation Summit for a full-day event exploring how technology and patient voices can guide the future of this emerging industry. This is a unique event bringing together benefits managers, entrepreneurs, patients, health insurance brokers, and health system executives.

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with updates about Medicine X!

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