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Big Think

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This is a fascinating project in which neurology and music collide in a moving way.
A brain-computer music interface system allows four patients to compose their own string quartet.
Andrew Kelly's profile photo
Consciousness! Lets get all the homosexuals together and have a conscious mind not to suck dick again thats filthy and childish and selfish and flat out nasty! Obviously you were born that way duh
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Big Think

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Genius is a hard concept to pin down.
A new study from Cornell University shows how metaphors influence our ability to be impressed by genius and uncovers a gender hook – it seems we prefer to conceive of male genius as an exciting idea explosion, and female genius as a long, hard labor of hard work.
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Big Think

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"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." 
Today we have members of four generations working side by side. That's great for diversity, inclusion, perspective, and innovation. It also produces new challenges with regard to communication. Employers need to be sure everyone's on the same page while simultaneously making sure they're not stepping on any toes while promoting synergy. Big Think is proud to partner with Mercer on Inside Employees' Minds, a series that examines employees' changin...
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Big Think

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Are you a genius? Well, it depends on your gender.
A new study from Cornell University shows how metaphors influence our ability to be impressed by genius and uncovers a gender hook – it seems we prefer to conceive of male genius as an exciting idea explosion, and female genius as a long, hard labor of hard work.
Wtf Scully's profile photo
Big Think what has been typed by you here, doesn't make any sense.
Not to mention this research is very weak imo, am I the only one who thinks this?
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Big Think

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Relating the current electoral cycle to being indoctrinated into a cult.
If Will Allen's documentary, Holy Hell, teaches us one thing, it's that there's no easy answer.
Robert Walden's profile photo
I read the article thinking I would learn something useful instead I realized I had just started my indoctrination. Beware propaganda machine at work.
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Big Think

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If just women or men were to vote, this is how it would turn out.
If only men would vote, Trump would be the next president. If only women voted, Clinton would win by an even bigger landslide.
Traci Wonzer's profile photo
Clint she'd win
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Join Big Think Edge for a 30-minute webinar with Dan Pontefract, Chief Envisioner at TELUS, a Canadian telecommunications company, as he explores the importance of purpose. Can leaders help employees reach the “sweet spot” of purpose?
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