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In which +John Green discusses fear. The Wimbly Womblys play Nottingham Forest.
Tor Otteson's profile photo
Oh god.. speaking of fear off that bat... that whole "might be the last episode ever" joke made my heart flutter. o_o
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In which +John Green talks about the first time he fell in love. The Wimbly Womblys take on Oxford United.
DontRobMe13's profile photo
topic suggestion:
due to the upcoming transfer of S Gerrard. How to deal with endings. I mean he has been an inspirational person for a lot of l'pool fans and there are many young adults for whom gerrard was their hero.
But you can relate such an ending to more general circumstances, just like the end of the HP books or the end of a tv series.
How should someone deal with it? Should you just start finding a new idol or book series or whatever or should you suffer in pity due to the 'loss'.

I mean some kind of a break up but not like a typical love relationship break up.
That actually bothers me a lot
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In which +John Green discusses the game and the holidays. The Wimblys Womblys take on Tottenham Hotspur FC. This will be our last episode of 2014. We'll see you in the new year!
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In which Manager +John Green is frustrated with the players. 
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In which +John Green talks about the game and the upcoming season. The Wimbly Womblys take on FC Barcelona.
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In which +John Green talks about going to a real life AFC Wimbledon game. The Wimbly Womblys take on Zenit.
Adrian Courage's profile photo
I hope all you nerdfighters are putting your not inconsiderable writing skills behind the campaign to Bring the Dons Home. It may not be the pixelated glory of Wibbly Lane, but it would be an amazing thing IRL.

Just fill in the form here:
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In which +John Green compliments the players.
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In which +John Green talks about the real life Liverpool versus AFC Wimbledon game. The Wimbly Womblys play Fulham. 

The game is at 2:55 EST. You can find live coverage here:
Eaglesfan427's profile photoRebecca The Ninja's profile photokazooga 1234's profile photo
john i emailed DFTBA records i hope its not to late for me to get the things from the black friday sale i havent gotten an email back from them i know you said that the inquiry number things were going to be deleted at DFTBA but i have the original one i was really hoping i could get the good hello shirt for vidcon please help i was sick from christmas until about now so i couldnt check the mail and since i got the pizzamas shirt i thought the other stuff was on the way

as well as allis shirt i bought a beanie from CTFxC and the no edge shirt i have the original inquiry and account number and things like that if i still need them i never delete my receipts from my email and that includes after they ship if i have to i probably can talk to you about this at vidcon even though you are super busy around there so i would like to get this cleared up before then if possible

i love you and this ha bisky game play the only reason i went to check was because i bought a wimbly wombly scarf and i was like my other stuff because the scarf shipped right away
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In which +John Green talks about the best worst thing that ever happened to him. The Wimbly Womblys play QPR.
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In which +John Green takes BuzzFeed's quiz, "Which YouTube Star Are You?" The Wimbly Womblys play Manchester United.

The quiz:
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In which many goals are scored.
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Hank and other members of the Green family play video games with varying levels of skill.