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Law and Order for President Trump
Christians for Trump

Hillary Clinton's speech sounds just like Hitler reaching out to the workers parties in the 1930's just prior to World War 2.
With enhanced psy - ops on the masses.
Have you seen the news documentary on the Clinton's?
Watch #ClintonCash their global gangsters.
That's why the global poor and America's keep getting poorer the money never trickles down.
They stole it.
And Bernie ' s supporters got robbed too.
They want their money back.
Along with their voice.
And they are worse off after 8 years of being under a democrat president, than they were before.
After the elite Democrats has stole and added $ 10 trillion dollars in massive public debt.
Which now stands at $ 19 + trillion dollars, more than any nation on the entire Planet.
Maybe Hillary Clinton can call Putin in Russia and ask him if he remembers the misspelled Russian rest button that she carried around like a jeweled #Faberge #Egg lol
Or maybe Barack Obama can go to another baseball game with Castro in Cuba and put in a request, that no more of his past Secretary of State #HillaryClinton emails be released, into the public domain,
Because as Secretary of State #HillaryClinton kept her non - secure illegal ( Civilian ) server in a bathroom or closet, receiving and sending National Intelligence.
The #DNCLEAKS proves the corupt manipulations of the press, by the #DNC, and the democratic party, and Wallstreet elite.
Hence the psy - ops on the masses.
To all of the Clinton's camel caravan, the corupt media left and liberals, at this point,

Signed, The Ghosts of Benghazi

#MediaAreLiars, #HillarysLiesMatter, #BarackObamaLiesMatter #13 :-)
Have a nice day.

Knock Knock

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.
1 Timothy 4 : 1

Thank you for supporting the people's movement and President Trump, now you can go have one.


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Premieres Tuesday, September 8th 11:35pm