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Democrats consistently prefer politicians who compromise and Republicans consistently prefer politicians who stick to their principles.
Democrats are about policy, Republicans are about philosophy.
Ole Olson's profile photoDavid Belliveau's profile photoWendy W's profile photosharaxxvable's profile photo
+Vox​ I love seen you on Snapchat, and the best part is, you are not TL; DR at all. 🐧🌈 
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See how an asteroid could destroy your hometown.
Pick your space object and send it to your target of choice.
Wendy W's profile photo
Wendy W
Such a happy topic😀
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And if you're like 70%of Americans, you probably don't even open the phonebook once before the next year's batch arrives.
They're advertisements disguised as a directories, and they won't go away.
richard schirner's profile photoMoMi R (Bear)'s profile photo
+richard schirner​ Wow dude, you're all over the place and you failed to address anything I've already said other than taxes. And even that answer was convoluted.
Our government DOES give out their numbers. If you can't find them, you're not trying hard enough.
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That is not how Spider-Man is drawn when he climbs buildings:
This cover is not what we were expecting from a company that has made the effort to show that it's being thoughtful about its female readership and its female superheroes.
Tony Bonavera's profile photoJared Moore's profile photo
Um, who cares. Nobody complains about how Spider-Man hangs from his web
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Happening live, now! WATCH -->
200 miles above our heads, two cosmonauts are releasing a small satellite
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While targeting ISIS forces around the Mosul Dam is smart, the administration is pushing into potentially dangerous territory; the risk of entanglement and escalation is high.
The US campaign to push ISIS out of the Mosul dam is a major escalation.
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The office work environment is as distracting as it's ever been. 
richard schirner's profile photoOle Olson's profile photo
Don't forget to post on Google+ +Vox!
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Why diet studies are so contradictory and confusing:
Read this and you'll never need to look at another diet book or study.
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Teen marijuana users report fewer drug-induced problems than teen alcohol users.
Most of pot's problems seem to be associated with its legal status.
richard schirner's profile photo
The years of testing in marijuana was truly one that does prove the ingestions as lesser in threat. Yet so what it does not prove is weather or not the marijuana was seeded or not. As I was one that smoked weed all my life and thought it was marijuana as the adults all said so. But then I have learned that those seeking to legalize it are just liars seeking to gain the exclusive rights to then they can profit creating a  dumb founded population of marijuana smokers!! As the weed I smoked all had seeds in it, and it's potencies varied but still gave me the affects of relaxations + so too the mature plant (seeded ) has a residue that is an agitent or active. So it then assists in the glaucoma patients, + cancer patients more so than the marijuana of deseeded plant of which has a dormant residue as it is not matured + so procreative yet. So then to grow the seeded plant + decriminalize the possesions of some buds would be more effective in the ability to generate jobs as hemp (seeded plant) can be refined + processed in a higher more vast variety of products. Clothing, construction materials, fuel, medicines, grasstics (replacement of plastics), so which product is superior to crude oil, cotton, + poly by-products? Marijuana does nothing but get people wasted, baked + fried. Causing a procrastination in life + degenerating our nations future in refinements + processings, of which could rebuild our economy as it then could again be the greatest freed nation in the world. Self supportive + needless of foreign interventions such as deficit propaganda + criminal anarchy (privatization) presently condones. The act of derelictions unto the peoples by the doctors + sciences of social welfare is blatently retarded + criminally guilty of theft by decptions + conspiracies to commit mass genocide. HEMP is the PRODUCT !!! Smoke the seeded plant if you must smoke + tell the marijuana kids to enjoy the prices of compliance + acceptance as regs or seeded palnts sold on a black market generate cash flow economies + support this nations commonwealth of needs in reserves as per clothing, fuel, foods, + puts the indigent population back to work elieviating a welfare socially condemned economy. Etc Etc.
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+Ezra Klein explains the ice bucket challenge. Your turn, +Nate Silver 
Billy Elliott's profile photoTony Sidaway's profile photo
Just stop writing about this crap.
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Unfortunately, more diverse students don't always mean more diverse schools.
The sad state of segregation in US public schools:
What does that mean for how we define an integrated school?
John Griffin's profile photorichard schirner's profile photo
As most schools today dis-inform + retard our children who cares? the educations of simple things that set U.S. apart from the rest of the world in education; where did cursive writing come from? FROM THE REVOLUTIONARY FREEDOMS + SEPARATIONS LAWS!!! Creative, cursive writing was actually called SECURED SIGNATURE WRITING!!! Our FOREFATHERS In the tea party DECLARATIVE ERA said we The People shall no longer SPEAK the KINGS English not write the KINGS WRIT!!! The kings writ was COLLIGRAPHY !! So as we don't speak ENGLISH we speak AMERICAN Then so we don't commonly learn calligraphy we learn CURSIVE !!! Those were called ILLITERATE if they could not read our signature writ. The REDCOATS COULD NOT READ THE ORDERS IN REVOLUTIONARY ERA (in case our couriers were caught in transit) due to it being written in CURSIVE. E-PLURABUS UNIM is the POLICY as to be educated freely that EVERY CHILD BORN ON THIS SOIL IS AS HOLY + INNOCENT AS THE MESSIAH!!! Hencley INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. So we all need to thank the kid from the manger as that law would NEVER BE EXCEPT FOR HIM. HENCLEY FREEDOMS TO REJOICE AS PER TYHE MASS OF CHRISTS CHILDREN OR CHRISTMAS!!! Truth no matter who is insulted is truth. Teachers need to be honorable + SDTOP the DIS-INFPORMATIONS + PROPAGANDFA TEACHING. SODOMY WAS OUTLAWED BY DOCTORS NOT BY CHURCH PEOPLES. DUE TO IT BEING A MUTALATION  OF THE BODY AS HEMMOROIDS ARE THE DIAGNOSIS + PROGNOSIS IS THEN DOCTORS CARES!!! So how can a public school system take our the history of truth in Christ + So then implement a socially condemnable practice of SODOMY to the children of TRUST? We The People trust you public educators would be of sound minds + body. Willing to be honorable in your intinerary. But instead you have violated the hypocritical oaths of masters in degrees just as the doctors, lawyers elected + appointed officials. Retarding generation after generation for decades now. Your a bunch of socially condemnable idiots today. We wonder which teacher will be arrested for child molestations next. You lack of loyalties to the social welfare of our nations next generations is surely noted . So don't wake up on my account. I'm just a no body + so then who cars any way as long as your 401k's are intact. And deficit programing or propaganda continues to be unprosecuted as per the criminal anarchy laws of the Declarative era.  Yea just pretend the revolutionary era allows for criminal anarchy(privatization) + pretend that sodomy is legal, + freedoms of religions against the Christ are so too legal on my soil. Your pretensions will get you all sued for derelictions in duty + hypocritical oaths as masters in degrees. So have a good day Anti Americanizing my nation,; educators. 
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Here's why all eyes are on Ferguson, Missouri.
Here's what you need to know to understand who Michael Brown was, how he was killed, and why the nation's eyes are on Ferguson, MO.
Joe Phelps's profile photoDamian Mongru's profile photo
Can you explain the second point a bit more, please. The mayor and city council links weren't working when I clicked them. Are these positions as well as the school board elected positions?

The article seems to intimate that black people are not allowed to have a place in power because of the white people in power. How is this implemented in a town where there is a two-thirds black majority? Similarly for the police force - are black people being denied jobs?

The difference in representation between the residents and these areas are noticeable, the reasons why it has got this way is maybe more pertinent.
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