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PBS Idea Channel

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So what you're saying is The Happening is possible? SOMEONE CALL MARKY MARK.

PBS Idea Channel

commented on a video on YouTube.
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The Rothko Room in the Tate Modern is one of my favorite places anywhere (on a weekday morning, preferably). A kind of sombre, "unbearable silence" and the idea of being with (versus looking at) is such a great way of describing the power of his work.

PBS Idea Channel

commented on a video on YouTube.
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Oh man! Well first: this was incredible. And second, this thing you experienced, suddenly being able to ride a normal bike again, is I think maybe a similar thing I (and many other people, I'm sure) experience learning to play pieces of music?

Especially when you're starting out on an instrument, you'll be trying to play a complex passage or figure and you'll jumble it a hundred times but then, suddenly, it just clicks. And it seems absurd that minutes ago you were totally unable.

This still happens to me today learning really complicated bluegrass banjo patterns. I'll sit there and curse my slow brain and slower fingers but then, out of nowhere, it'll just happen!

PBS Idea Channel

commented on a video on YouTube.
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You were not kidding.

PBS Idea Channel

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Wait... so millions of years ago there was some beast that would smell those awful things and think "YUM! DINNER!"? I can only imagine how bad its breath must have been...

PBS Idea Channel

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Oh man, is that really what I sound like? ;D

PBS Idea Channel

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PBS Idea Channel

commented on a video on YouTube.
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Before I started making YouTube videos, I worked mostly as a composer and audio engineer ... named "Mike". Which, apparently, makes my name an APTONYM.

PBS Idea Channel

commented on a video on YouTube.
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This gave me thoughts and feelings. THANK YOU. <3

PBS Idea Channel

commented on a video on YouTube.
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Definitely gonna be humming this all day. Awesome work, dude!